[g.b.d.] You're Special - NF

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You're Special - NF - From the album "Perception"


"I meant it when I told you I would change, Meant it when I told you I would stay"


"You said you want more

And I can't blame you for

Askin' me what's somethin' you deserve

You're special"


"We ain't gotta skip to the highlight

You're the highlight, girl, of my life"


"All night car rides

Drivin' through the city, yeah, the view's fantastic"


"She got me thinkin' maybe I'ma have to put a ring on it"

"She's the type to pick me up when I'm low

And remind me she got my back, no matter what"


"Callin' my phone, and she told me she proud, she said my name and I like how that sounds"


"You can call me any day, anytime, you know I'ma answer"


"I said, girl, I said, you're special

I said, you're special"


Have you ever met someone who you instantly feel connected with? Someone that just gets you, someone that understands how you feel without you even telling them? Someone who I like your other half, someone who completes you, evens you out. Someone who is there when you need them, someone who has your back. The other thing that feels amazing with this too is that you've always got their back too, and the fact that they appreciate that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside- all of that cringe-y stuff.

I am so incredibly in love with this girl.

She is absolutely everything to me; I couldn't live without her now.

I've dated this amazing girl for two years now, and all I want to do is marry her. She knows me inside out, she knows my flaws, the negative sides to me. She knows how to deal with me when I'm sad, when I'm stressed, when I'm angry- she has my back no matter what. She is my everything.

She is so special.

All of these thoughts rushed around my mind as I drove through the night, Ethan was in the back of the car fast asleep with his headphones in, y/n gazing out of the window in the passenger beside me. It was pitch black outside with the fickle lights of the city to our left which is what y/n was gazing at with admiration, her beautiful hair flowing down her shoulders while her soft lips curved into a smile at the view. My eyes flickered from her to the road every few second, unable to keep my orbs off of her. She was wearing my 'Dolan Twins' oversized sweatshirt which was black, along with some grey sweatpants and white Nike Airforces. Her her was still wavy from the curls she had put in yesterday, no makeup on her face- just the way I liked her. Natural; she was gorgeous naturally, so it made me even happier that she was comfortable enough around me to have no makeup on et cetera.

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