Preference - Quarantine

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hey my loves! it's been a while! I really hope you guys are staying safe at home with all of this going on. I know that reading is such a great way to escape the present moment, so I figured a. cute preference would be perfect to take your minds off things. please comment any requests!

love, Scarlett xoxo

What you guys do in quarantine..



✩ E T H A N ✩

✩ Play monopoly until 3 a.m.

✩ Ethan wakes you up every morning with pancakes and maple syrup (my favourite) with some raspberries on the side, along with a kiss on the forehead. He loves making the most of not having to work, so this is how he spends his time.

✩ One of your favourite things to do as a couple is bake cookies together, as it was what you did on your first date! Every other day, you make mint chocolate chip cookies or peanut butter ones, along with singing along to random music.

✩ Your favourite part of quarantine is sitting next to Eth on your balcony as he strummed on his guitar, singing softly to you your favourite songs (comment your favourite song right now!)

✩ You managed to persuade him to allow you to put make up on him, so every evening, you sit down and do different looks on him (playing with make up is my favourite part of quarantine)

✩ As of recently, E has been rather addicted to making the 'whipped coffee' he saw on TikTok. (I'm yet to make this, have you made it?) So every single day, he will make you and him some, usually filming a funny TikTok of him wearing the makeup you put on him as he makes his whipped coffee (also, TikTok is my favourite quarantine addiction)

✩ G R A Y S O N ✩

✩ For the most part, Gray just wants to sleep all of the time during quarantine, so you usually leave him to sleep while you either clean or do some work, to then wake him up with breakfast.

✩ You both end up taking a nap at midnight and then waking up at around 2 a.m., as with quarantine, it seems impossible to know which day it is, the time, and your sleeping schedule is messed up (not just me, right?)

✩ While he plays his video games, he lets you curl his hair which always makes you laugh (k but imagine him with a perm...)

✩ Most of the time, you and Grayson cuddle up on the couch while you watch Netflix, playing with the dozens of his rings on his fingers.

✩ Either you paint his nails, or he paints yours, which usually ends up going badly wrong!

✩ You both ended up taking on the challenge of working out every day by watching youtube videos of at-home workouts (there's some really good ideas to try!), so you two end up doing a couple-workout together every evening for around one hour.

✩ he loves to blast music with you, dancing around like total 5 year olds

✩ he likes to experiment with different hairstyles on you, trying his best to plait your hair

✩ he always wakes you up to watch the stars together, your favourite thing

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