Chapter 1

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Everyday was the same; get up, go to college, come home, go to work and serve people coffee. I sighed as yet another person ordered espresso; the tiny cups meant people kept coming back for more. It felt like I was making endless amounts of the stuff. 

“Rian, you alright?”

“Yeah, yeah fine”

I hadn’t noticed my fellow co-worker Matt appear behind me, carrying a fresh try of clean mugs.

“You sure?” he asked.

“Just... Fed up of doing this every day, ya know”

“It’s just till you finish college, then you can go do whatever you want with your life!” Matt said, patting me on the shoulder in an attempted to cheer me up.

“Yeah right”

“As you’re determined to be in a bad mood, I’ll let you serve that cute kid who just walked in”

I followed his glance to a boy about our age who’d just walked in with burnt caramel coloured hair and dark eyes. He carried an armful of books onto a table by the window and slumped down by himself.

I smiled, grabbing my notebook and walking over to the boy.


“Hey” he replied, rubbing his nose on the back of his hand.

“Can I take your order?”

“Nah, I’m okay right now thanks” he smiled, a dimple showing on his cheek.

“Okay, well call if you need anything”

I walked back over the counter, throwing my notebook back into my pocket.

“Ah hard luck man” Matt said, I just sighed.

As it grew later the shop got quieter, I just stood with my elbows on the counter watching people leave. The cute boy was still there, his paper spread across the table as he scribbled bits down. He’d stop every so often and mumble a sneeze into his arm or rub his nose on his hand.

“Right I’m off! You’ll be alright closing up right?” Matt asked, putting his jacket over his work uniform.

“Yeah, it’s not like I haven’t done it hundred times before” I muttered.

“I’ll just leave you with loverboyy” he laughed as I rolled my eyes.

I started cleaning up after Matt left, putting mugs away and turning off the coffee machines. It was only when I heard a strange noise I remembered the boy was still there, I looked up to see him sneezing his head off into his hands. I turned back to the kettle and put it on. I figured he could do with a drink.

“Hey, I thought you might like...”

“I didn’t...” he looked up at me, his eyes and nose now tinted slightly red.

“On the house”

“Thank you”

He took the tea from my hands and sipped in gently.

“I’m sorry for keeping you open like this, it’s just...” he cut himself with a sneeze again; I rummaged around in my pocket and pulled out a napkin. He took it and blew his nose.

“Thanks, I’m sorry it’s just I can’t work at home” he said, gesturing to the paper covering the table.

 “No problem, oh hey you go to Jefferson?”

He nodded.

“That’s where I go”

“It’s the worst isn’t it?”

The Coffee Shop and the Invalid (Rilex one shot)Where stories live. Discover now