A Fishy Tail

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I woke up to the brisk morning air of Autumn weather blowing through my window. It was cold, but refreshing in a way that it combatted the sleep still lingering in my eyes.
Oh who was I kidding? Mornings were hell. And I'm not going to make them sound majestic or aesthetic or anything else that ends with -ic.
In all honesty I wasn't sure why the hell my window was open or how it got that way in the first place. All I knew was that it was eight am and I was already ready to go back to sleep.
Although, first I decided to investigate my open window. I didn't need to be woken up yet again to find some nasty burglar scouring through my belongings.
I hissed as my bare feet touched the freezing floor and stood up to trudge to my mysterious window.
My mysterious- cold- freezing- awful- window.
I tiredly reached up to close it as my eyes wandered through the sky.
The sun was rising and the sky was blurred with different shades of orange and pink and blue.
And... rainbow?
It hadn't rained!
What the...
That was when I saw it- the wretched yet strangely beautiful masterpiece floating- no- swimming through the sky.
I just wanted to go back to bed.
And now suddenly there was a frickin Jellyfish swimming through the sky!
A rainbow jellyfish!
In the sky!
What the actual Hell?
Is that even possible?
Is that a thing that happens now?!
Just my luck.
I sighed- exasperated and done with everything. I needed to get this taken care of before it managed to sting one of the neighbors.
(Good old Mr. Thornton didn't need another injury, he already had a broken hip and a sprained ankle!)
I slid on my Crocs (I was a kool kid), wrapped a blanket around my unicorn onesy, and walked delicately downstairs into my living room.
I wasn't sure what exactly to do in this situation, but it couldn't be much different than having a stray cat show up, right?

I then proceeded to dial animal control. Because that is exactly how you deal with a stray jellyfish. You call animal control. Surely the safety freaks will take you seriously.

I was on call for fifteen minutes and somehow managed to convince the rude lady at Animal Control (she was a total Karen) that I was, in fact, high off my ass.
With plan A eliminated, I did the only thing I could do. I grabbed my keys- hanging in a nice little hook in my kitchen- walked sluggishly to my car, and drove to the nearest dollar store I could find. It's not like I wanted to hurt the poor creature- this was the only option I could think of.
I spent six dollars and four cents on a five foot long dog leash that day.
I hoped the Jellyfish would cooperate, the last thing I needed was to get stung by an angry aquatic animal.
The last thing I needed was to get stung by an angry flying fish.
I practically crawled out of my car when I pulled into my driveway. I was so tired- it was already nine and I just wanted to go back to sleep.
I strolled straight towards the jellyfish. It was shimmering in the morning sun, swimming just enough to stay in the same place, yet still drifting with the current of the wind.
I whistled shrilly and the Jellyfish spawned violently. It swam away- as if scared to be near me.
"Oh come off it," I tried to be reasonable. The faster I got it indoors and away from people, the faster I could get my beauty sleep. "Don't you want warmth or some food or- what do jellyfish even eat anyway? Do you like jam at all?"
The jellyfish approached a bit and I took the opportunity to clip the leash around him. I didn't have a collar so I just tied a knot that I was sure was not going to choke him.
"Come on," I said with a yawn. "I'm tired."

And so, with a flying Jellyfish on a leash and nothing on my mind, I climbed up the stairs to my room and fell once more onto my soft mattress.
There was a jellyfish downstairs that I would soon dub "Pip" and keep forever. And we lived happily ever after.
Oh and I got my window replaced because I never wanted to wake up in the freezing cold like that ever again (and one Jellyfish was hard enough to take care of).


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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