Love With Fear

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Chase's POV:

I was resting under a tree, thinking about Tuck. He was a golden lab, while I'm a german shepherd with a gay heart. Yeah, you heard right: I'm gay. I didn't tell anyone, because they could bully me, or Ryder kick me out. I watched the waves sway slow onto the beach. I wen to my puphouse and watch on of the GLMV videos. I watched undo glmv ones a lot, so it helps

After the video, I got up and looked at my calendar. My mom was coming to visit, so I had to tell everyone before she came. I went to the lookout and went to the top floor in the elevator. I found Ryder playing on his puppad. "R-Ryder?"

Ryder looked up and saw me. "Oh, hey Chase. What's up?"

"I need to tell you and the other pups something," I said. I was ready to tell them.

"What is it?"

"I rather tell all the pups here."

Ryder nodded and called the pups to the lookout. I stood at the front with Ryder. "Pups, Chase wants to tell us something."

The pups looked at me, and I got nervous. "My mother, Angel Heart, is coming to visit."

"Dude!" Zuma shouted. "Youw mothew saved my bwothew and I get to meet hew to thank hew fow saving my bwothew!"

"Yes, but that's not what I was trying to say."

The room fell silence and all eyes were laid on me. It's now or never.


I waited. I knew Skye is mad because she hates gays. But I get hugged by Zuma. "I'm not alone!" he shouted.

"W-what?" I asked in confusion.

"It was kinda easy to see. Evewyone else didn't see it, but I did."


"That's my question!" Skye snapped. I forgot I asked for everyone to come.

"It wasn't my choice Skye."

"I don't care!"

I left the room and headed to my pup house. Ryder's voice was loud enough for me to hear him. I entered my pup house and laid down on my bed.

"Chase?" I heard Marshall. He also knocked.


"Your disgusting. Ugh, why? Fix yourself-"

I slammed my pup house door loudly and locked it. Marshall hates me too? I hate myself. I grabbed a box, just as my computer went off with a message. I put the box down and answered it.


Chase: hello?

🔥💖dally: CHASE!

Chase: what?

Chase: wait

Chase: Flame?

🔥💖dally: The one and only

Chase: I missed you!

🔥💖dally: Me too ^^

🔥💖dally: Did I text before you cut yourself again?

Chase: yes

Chase: sorry

🔥💖dally: It's okay. I'm just glad I got the timing down

🔥💖dally: So, what's new?

Chase: I told them

🔥💖dally: What?


🔥💖dally: WHAT?!

🔥💖dally: Dude, did you forget they could be homophobic?

Chase: yes

🔥💖dally: Let them cool down and think about everything first

Chase: okay Flame. Thanks

🔥💖dally: np Chase

🔥💖dally: gtg

Chase: why?

🔥💖dally: my gf is here.

Chase: oh, okay

Chase: have fun

🔥💖dally: Cheer up Chase

🔥💖dally: I'll text you when she leaves

🔥💖dally: Promise

Chase: thanks

Chase: TTYL?

🔥💖dally: TTYL bro


After that text conversation, I felt better. I laid down on my bed and thought what Flame said. He was always trying to find a way to keep in contact with me, even after I moved. I smiled at the thought of him. Flame was bisexual, but I didn't get a chance with him since his parents hate gays. Why are there homophobic people? Gays and lesbians are the same as straights. I fell asleep to think it over.

???'s POV:




I SO didn't see that coming. He looked straight. I got to ask next time, otherwise, he and I would be dating right now. But after what happened, Skye and Marshall are nothing but pains in the rear. (Noticed, Rubble and Tracker and young, so Rocky is using words that make the most sense to them) I hope Chase is okay. I had to explain to Rubble and Tracker, using careful choice words, what just happen. Chase's life must be full of hurt. That could be a reason why he came to Adventure Bay: to start on a clean slate. I'll help him out, but he must like someone else by now. But who? I'll find out one way or another. Even if it means to stoke Chase. I hope I don't get caught or in trouble for it.

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