kang the conqueror picked the
wrong time to arrive on earth.
when nate richards travelled back
in time to warn the avengers, the
avengers no longer existed: they
were either dead...
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THERE WAS A SUDDEN KNOCK ON THE DOOR OF LILA BARTON'S APARTMENT, which left the only, now grown-up, daughter of the famous hawkeye utterly confused. she knew no one that was in the area she was staying in at the moment, nor did she get calls about anyone coming over.
deciding to ignore it, lila continued to listen to her music after putting one of her earpieces into her left ear. unfortunately, the knocks on the door became louder and quicker, disrupting her peace. she grumbled in complete annoyance before taking out her earphones, getting up and yelling "i'm coming!" repeatedly to stop the knocking.
she opened the door and started to rant, not caring who the hell was standing before her, "...like what the actual fuck, dude! can't i just enjoy the peaceful time i seldom get for like one second?!"
"iーi'm sorry, i didn't mean to intrude," the man who stood before lila replied, feeling insecure about her explosive attitude. "are you lila barton?"
when lila noticed the man's insecurity, she tried to calm herself down before leaning against the side, folding her arms and answering while nodding, "yeah, i am. what do you want?"
the man now seemed to be less afraid of lila than he was before, which was why he managed to answer calmly with a smile, "my name is nathaniel richards, but you can call me nate. i'm here to assemble a new team of heroes to help save the world from my future self."
• • •
lila blanked out a bit by what nate had just said. she did not expect to receive sudden news like that in such a tranquil and relaxing day, especially news involving "future self" and a "new team of heroes". she looked at him, warily, before gesturing for him to come in, reminding him to close the door shut after that.
after telling him to have a seat at her small dining table, she made some coffee for the both of them. she put a cup of coffee before nate as she drank the other cup that was meant for her.
"i demand an explanation," lila stated after a sip of her hazelnut flavoured coffee. to her, it was either legit or a prank set by one her brothers. "prove that neither nathan, lucas nor cooper set you up."
"who's nathan, lucas and cooper?" nate asked, a bit unclear about the sudden inquiry. deciding to shrug the sudden comment off, he decided to explain like lila had originally told him to, "you are familiar with time travel, am i correct?"
the brown-eyed brunette nodded slightly whole shrugging a bit, "well... one of my brothers and my father are more familiar with it than i am. but i do know quite a lot about it, since that one brother was one big chatterbox."
nate chuckled at that before replying, "so... around fifteen years ago, i got attacked by one of my bullies. heck, i nearly got killed. however, someone saved me from death, and that was my future self.
"i know it sounds cool to you, and it kinda does sound cool to me so far. but, my future self wasn't who i expected to become, nor was he what i cracked up to be. he was a villain, a monstrous villain who cares about nothing but himself. he came to me for the sole purpose of making me unstoppable when i went down his path."
as she listened to nate's explanation, she started to nod slowly again and again after each sentence. she was finally starting to realise that this wasn't a prank after all.
"but obviously," nate continued after lila processed all that information. "i didn't want that to happen. there was no way in hell i was gonna let that happen. because he let me try on his suit and his suit also responds to my thoughts, i used it to banish him away from me. his suit then broke down for some reason, so i started to develop my own. and it took fifteen years to successfully build one similar to kang's. my future self calls himself kang the conqueror."
"and now..." lila started to have a guess. "you need a new team of avengers to fight against kang, before he completes his goal of universal domination?"
"exactly!" nate was glad lila understood. it was then when he finally took one sip of the coffee lila made for him. "wow... this coffee's one of the best i've drank."
"thanks," lila said, giving him a friendly smile. "look, i'm so down for this. i need action in my life, like all bartons do."
"that's great," nate said, although he didn't get the barton joke. he didn't know who the bartons were. "but how do we find the other potential heroes? my suit's energy is bust because i used all of it to time travel here and to find you..."
lila then came up with an idea, "we're gonna get into the avengers compound. uncle banner once told me he had developed something that might help."
"nice," nate was very glad things are starting to work out already. "when do we go?"
lila stood up, "now."
i hope you've enjoyed this chapter so far! (i enjoyed writing it but not reading it and- okay i'll stop) the name of the next chapter is: