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 Working with Mei was enjoyable, it really was. You had someone to talk to, to pitch ideas at, and laugh with when an invention decided it wanted to go haywire.

But it was a little different today. Because Mei was rambling on and on about how your abilities could be good for hero work.

The previous day, you had gone through the rest of your abilities, and learned that while your eyesight was so much better than it had been previously, it wasn't as good as hers. You also had faster reflexes and some kind of danger sense (which you found out when Mei chucked a pencil at you while your back was turned after you made a comment about her being obsessive), and a camouflaging ability. It extended to your outfit, and made you near invisible to the naked eye.

It was very difficult to control that one, though.

"Mei, I love you, but I'm trying to focus," You grumbled, twisting a screw into place. Well, at least you were trying to. It was being stubborn, however, and didn't seem to want to go in.

"I know, but just think! Here, try this--" She handed you a wrench, and you traded your screwdriver for it. "You've got powers like a spider, right? What if you made some kind of web device, to catch your enemies? Like a spider does!"

You stared at her with an incredulous expression, and it took you several moments to finally work your tongue enough to speak. "Mei. I'm not shooting webs out of my--"

"Not like that!" Mei said with a hearty laugh. "You know Eraserhead? How he gets around with his scarves? I was thinking something like that, but with webs!"

"Ah," You said, and left it at that. You didn't want to get her hopes up, but you didn't want to tear what she already had down. Mei was a sweet girl, and you had never seen her sad, and you didn't want to be the reason for making her so.


You jumped and turned towards Powerloader, who was peeking around a large piece of equipment. He gestured for you to come over, and disappeared back behind it. You shared a glance with Mei, before getting up and heading over.

Were you in trouble? Had you done something wrong?

You ran through practically everything you had ever done since first entering the U.A., but came up empty. Still, you prepared for the worst and walked around the piece of equipment.

Powerloader stood there.

Next to him was Shinsou, who clutched papers in his hands.

Okay, you officially had no idea what was going on.

"You have a new assignment," Powerloader explained, and he gestured for Shinsou to hand the papers to you. He did so, and you stared down at them, your eyes running over the support item orders and the specifications for them.

A vocal manipulator? One that doesn't turn the voice into an electronic signal? That could be tricky... You pulled the second paper out and placed it on top of the first. It was an order to replicate Eraserhead's capture scarves. Both were signed by Eraserhead as well.

'Did Mei predict that?' You wondered, your eyes darting back towards her direction, even if you couldn't exactly see her with the equipment in the way.

It was probably coincidence.

"With...all due respect, Sir, why me?" You asked, looking back up at Powerloader and lowering the papers. "I'm not sure I'm qualified to--"

"Shut up," Powerloader growled, dismissing your words with a wave of his hand. "You've been working on projects all this time, only to either scrap them or never finish them completely. The only project I've seen finished from you is the one you used to get into the Support Course in the first place." He let that sink in for a moment, before continuing, "I think you're perfectly qualified, you just need to apply yourself."

You opened your mouth to protest, but quickly shut it from the way Powerloader sharply turned his head towards you, as though daring you to say what you were thinking.

You gulped and nodded. "Yes, Sir."

"Good. It'll do you good, to put yourself out there," Powerloader said, and he waved you away, heading over to his own table.

You stood there by Shinsou for a moment, and turned to glance at the guy. He turned his gaze to meet yours, his expression unreadable. It was a little intimidating, but you did your best to speak, regardless of your dry mouth.

"Uhm...I'm going to need to get measurements of your head," You said. Shinsou nodded, and you led him over to an unoccupied chair. While he sat down, you searched for the measuring tape. You were sure you had left it--

Ah, it was by Mei.

Mei glanced at you as you came over and scooped up the measuring tape. "So? What'd he want?"

"Need to make some support items," You distractedly explained, grabbing a clipboard, some paper, and a pencil as well. Then you hurried back over the Shinsou.

You mentally cursed your heart for skipping a beat as you pulled the tape out and looped it around his head, trying to ignore how soft his wild hair was and how intense his stare was. You fumbled a little with your pencil after you had gotten the measurements of his head, and quickly scratched it down. "How would you, uh, prefer the mask fit? Do you want it to cover your whole face, or just a part of it?"

"Just a part of it," He said shortly. His voice was still as attractive as it was your first day, but his tone was cold.

Unfriendly and cold.

You immediately got the sense that he did not like you.

At all.

"Right," You said, your nervousness now changing, becoming less flustered and more fearful. You quickly scribbled that down. "I'll get some possible designs drawn and let you choose."

He didn't reply to that, and instead rose from the chair. You were being brushed off, and you didn't like it.

"You're in General Studies, right? Why would you need the mask and the capture weapon?" You asked, your curiosity burning. You also wanted to have at least a little conversation, since knowing more about who you're making something for could add a spark of inspiration.

He glanced at you over his shoulder, his expression now as cold as his tone was. You found yourself shrinking under it, and you were once again reminded how you were nothing but a disgusting and useless fly to people like him.

"That's none of your business."

And then he left.

You stared after him, before shakily returning to your table, setting the clipboard down and tossing the tape measure on top of it.

"Something wrong, Y/N?" Mei asked. "He wasn't being very friendly to you, huh?"

You forced a smile and plopped down in your seat. "It's okay. I'm used to it."

You had almost forgotten how the world viewed you. Mei had done a really good job treating you kindly. Now that you were reminded of your place, it felt like a slap in the place. How you deserved such a good friend as her was beyond you.

"You shouldn't be," Mei huffed. "No one should talk to you like that."

"I think I know why he did," You muttered, and you told her your past with Shinsou. Mei gave you an odd look.

"Wow, what a jerk," She said, and her expression grew fierce. "If he says anything unkind, tell me. I'll be happy to make an example of him, on why you shouldn't mess with my friends!"

You suddenly feared for Shinsou's safety.

"Don't bother, it's fine," You assured her, grabbing some blank sheets of paper. "I just need to make the mask and the capture weapon, get them to him, and then I'll never have to speak to him again. Simple."

"Unless he damages them and needs you to fix them," Mei pointed out.


You ignored the pain in your head from having it meet the table like that, and let out a whine. "I hate my life."

What is Normal for the Spider is Chaos for the Fly (Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now