A Hero

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(Warning: Bullying and mild verbal sexual harassment right at the beginning)

You mentally groaned and turned around. Three boys stood there, slouching like they were the baddest gangsters around.

Even though they were teen hooligans who lived only a few streets away from you.

You went to Middle School with them. You didn't like them, and didn't care enough about them to try and remember their names. They were mostly the leaders when it came to getting people to make fun of you, but they've never really gotten physical.

They did say some nasty stuff, though.

"What are we, ten?' You asked, your expression making your exasperation very clear. "Just leave me be. We all have better things to do with our time. I'd like to get home."

"Whoa-- the quirkless loser has a bite now," One said, mockingly putting his hands up in surrender. "Guess we shouldn't mess with her."

"Yeah, she might intimidate us with her uselessness," The second said, sizing you up. They were getting closer.

The ringleader leaned in close enough for you to just barely catch the smell of his breath-- gross. "Look, me and the boys are a little bored. We could use some entertainment. Just let us take a few pictures, and maybe we'll leave you be."

"How dare you," you hissed back, crossing your arms over yourself protectively. "I'm not doing anything but going home."

You itched to sock him in the face, you really did. You knew you could easily take them all on. Their quirks weren't even that cool...which was probably why they picked on quirkless people like you.

But you weren't below them, and you refused to sink to their level.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

Several feet behind the boys was a familiar-looking green haired boy. You were certain you didn't know him, so why was he...

Oh, right. He was the kid who occasionally came in to get support gear from Mei. And he was the guy who fought Shinsou at the Sports Festival.

The boys harassing you exchanged glances.

"You're that kid from the U.A. Sports Festival, right?" Hooligan number one asked, starting to tense up. "The one that blew up his arms over and over?"

"That's right, I am," The green haired boy said, "That doesn't matter. Stop picking on others."

As if to warn them, green electricity sparked around him for a split second. The boys shifted nervously.
"...C'mon, let's go."

"He's crazy..."

They more or less scampered off, and your savior relaxed, smiling at you. His smile was cute and reassuring, and you instantly felt like you could trust him. A good trait for a hero to have.

"Are you okay?" He asked, scanning you over for any signs of injury or whatnot.

"I'm...fine," You sighed, waving your hand dismissively. "It's nothing new. I'm quirkless and they like to pick on people who are quirkless."

An understanding look crossed the boy's face. He looked almost as if he could relate, although you couldn't see how when he had such a powerful quirk.

"Just because you're quirkless doesn't mean you're not great," He said, "Don't let them get you down."

"Thanks....?" You trailed off. What was his name again? You were usually not too bad at remembering names, but his was escaping you.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, a small, adorable blush spreading across his cheeks as he scratched the back of his head, "Midoriya. Izuku Midoriya."

You gave a short, polite bow, "I'm Y/N L/N. Thank you for saving me. As expected from a kid in the Hero Department."

The blush on his face seemed to double in darkness, and he stuttered as he tried to insist that thanks weren't necessary, he was only trying to help, there was no need to praise him. It was adorable.

When he finally calmed down, he lowered his arms. "Do you need any help getting...wherever you're going? They might come back..."

You considered the offer, before sheepishly nodding. "If it's not too much trouble.."

"It's not, don't worry," Midoriya said, waving his hand dismissively, and he fell in step next to you. After shooting a quick text to his mother, he spoke up. "So...you go to U.A.?"

"Yeah, I'm in the support department," You said. "Doesn't Mei sometimes make gear for you?"

"Mei..? Oh! Hatsume," He said, recognition dawning on him and he nodded. "She does. You're around her a lot, right? I was wondering where I've seen you before."

"Oh, so you recognize me?" You asked, lifting your brow in surprise. You typically went unnoticed. Not that you minded, it tended to save you a lot of trouble...unless bullies were extra bored. Like the ones from a few minutes ago.

"Yeah...sorry for not speaking to you before now," He said as he scratched his cheek, and your mouth fell open.

"You don't need to apologize! I'm used to it- I mean, it's not a big deal," You said quickly, changing your wording the moment you saw a guilty expression cross his face. Yeesh, you weren't trying to make the poor guy feel bad.

"Well, I'll still make sure to talk to you more when I drop by," Midoriya decided with the sweetest determined look you've ever seen.

Something about his passion was so inspiring. Maybe you'd go back and watch how he did in the Sports Festival again. You could definitely learn a thing or two from him.

An embarrassed smile crossed your face at his declaration. The one where your face heats up and you can't look anyone in the eye until you calm down. "You're too kind."

Midoriya laughed nervously, scratching his cheek. "That's not a bad thing, right?"

You shook your head, and a comfortable silent fell between the both of you. Finally, the two of you readed your house. "Thanks for walking me here," You said, already wondering how you could pay him back for this kind deed.

"It wasn't a problem, I liked talking to you," Midoriya assured you. He bit his lip, before digging his phone out of his pocket. "Do you think we could, maybe, keep in touch?"

Your brain just about short circuited at that. This was the first time a boy your age has asked for your number. What exactly did one do in this kind of situation?

"I...uh...sure," You said awkwardly, gingerly taking his phone from him- what a cute phone case- and entered your contact information and name into it. Then you handed it back. "See you later?"

"Well, hopefully sooner, rather than later," Midoriya chuckled, and he gave you a wave. "Goodbye! Stay safe!"

You bid him a farewell of your own and went inside. As you took off your uniform and got into more comfortable clothing, your phone pinged.

Unknown Number:

I had fun talking to you!

Please watch out for bullies, and remember you're amazing, even if you don't have a quirk! I bet you'll do amazing things! Plus ultra!

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