Big Explosion In The Heart ((Fluff))

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(Y/n) x Katsuki

Age: 4

Child Hood

I flew inside a forest that ended up being off limits but it was to late now but I ended up crashing into a tree making me get stuck, Then I heard other kid's voices go under me so I shot one of my feathers at one kids shoe but not to hit him. Making him look up at the tree to see me. "Oi why did you do that?" He kind of scoffed. "S-sorry I needed to get your attention because I need help down from here..." I looked at him tilting my head a bit. "Fine but you have to hang with us until we have to go home!" he smile as I nodded my head agreeing to his deal. "Okay then jump don't worry I'll catch you!" He opened his arms ready to catch me but the thing is I don't think he knows I'm a girl since I blend in with the trees and my voice kind of sounds like a boy from up high, As I jumped down into his arms...Making him realize my gender and blushed when We met eye contact even though I have an eye patch over my left eye. "Y-you can put me down now..." I say quietly as he gently put me down. "W-well lets go then you stay beside me!" He started to march off as I smile and catch up to him as his three friends trail behind him. Once I glanced at his friends too see a green haired boy as the back of the group as I smile and wave at him, He waved back to me shyly as I slow down and speak to him. "Hello I'm (Y/n) but call me (N/n)!" I smile as he slightly smiles back. "H-hi I'm Izuku Midoriya...Nice to meet you (N/n)!" Izuku said as we walked together talking about our favorite hero's but before I knew it they had to go home but same with me. "It was nice meeting you and thank you for saving me!" I smile sweetly and bow to him as he blushes but looked away, As my dad slowly came my way. "Y-yeah no problem....bye..!" He ran off with his friends as I walk to my dad after they left.

Hero of the day

Age: 16

Once I turned 10 I got in touch with Izuku again! and before I knew it we were going to U.A together! Luckily my dad got me the guy pants since he is my home room teacher but for right now we keep that he is my dad a secret. But since I was wondering the halls finding the door to class 1-A to be huge! 'wonder why they have a big door for a small class room...maybe because of all might?' I question but once I entered the class everyone was looking at me...but then I feel a burning stare in my soul coming from some porcupine guy with crimson eyes which were pretty...but he 'tsked' and looked away from me. Then Aizawa put me derectly in front of the class room. "This is our new student...So please be nice to her and treat her like she's at home..." He said tiredly as I go and sit down to where i was told too, Which was basically in front of porcupine guy making me sigh tiredly, Then some guy with glasses came up to me and bowed on a 90 degree. "Hello I am Tenya Iida the class representative!" Iida said as he stood up and put his hand out for me to shake as I hesitantly shake his hand shyly and give him a closed eye smile. "It's nice to meet you Iida-Kun! My name is (Y/n) but please call me (N/n)...!"I said as he fixes his glasses as he blushed a bit but then Aizawa interrupted everyone speaking. "Everyone be quiet...We are going be doing some Fan signing today....since your all hero's now so get your hero suits on and get to the city..." As Mr.Aizawa told us most of the people where excited but I was a bit scared since I rarely talk to any of my fans but we all went and got our hero suits on and made it to the city. As I wondered around the city seeing other people from my class and them greeting there fans except for one guy...that Pom Pom aka Katsuki Bakugo he was yelling at his fans since you know...he's angry all the time but that's not the only problem because of my hero suit...lots of guys where swooning over me even Mineta was! Which was discussing. Then someone put there hand on my shoulder making me flinch scared for life. "Hey calm down it's just me..." Said a green haired guy aka Izuku Midoriya your childhood friend making me calm down as I nodded to Midoriya to let him know i was okay but then someone yelled from the distance..."OI DEKU GET YOUR DIRTY PAWS OFF (Y/N)!" Bakugo yelled to Izuku making him flinch scared for his life as Bakugo charged straight for izuku, but I stopped in front of Bakugo making him stop in his tracks. "Oi get out of the way! I need to go and beat dek-" Before Bakugo could finish his sentence I kissed his cheek out of the blue and smiled nervously but then I noticed his face getting redder by the second meaning he was going explode so I stepped away for him to let his flusteredness out as his hands make explosions as he yells his face going red as Kiri's hair making me giggle. But the one thing that I had not thought was. 'Wait why did Bakugo say to Izu'Kun to get his paws off me....wait dose Bakugo like me?! that can't be I mean I did just kiss his cheek......WAIT I JUST KISSED HIS CHEEK AND WERE NOT EVEN TOGETHER!!!... okay (Y/n) calm down this means you have feelings for the hedgehog too right? right! I mean he is cute...Ho- I mean cool and just over all really nice to me at least, So lets see where this leads me to...' I thought to myself smiling a bit without realizing it. After fan Signing the class was able to go back and change into my regular wear. As I chilled on the couch in the lounging area until I felt someone sit beside my making me turn my to see who it was. "Oh hey Katsu-Kun..." I said to none other the angry Hedgehog himself. "Hey....." He Said back to me surprisingly not yelling at me for what I did and what I just called him. "You calm now?" I asked him tilting my head a bit. "Yeah...I guess but why did you do that..?" He questioned.  'Welp there we go...he asked the big question of the life time....'  I thought sighing to myself. "Because think I know you from izuku and like Uhh I-I like you?" I said truthfully but confusedly. " l-l---like me?! and you know me from Deku? how?!" He asked me being flustered. "W-well I've actually known you since we were kids Katsuki..." I said looking down blushing. " know me?" He asked tilting his head a bit. "Well yeah...your the one that helped me down a tree!" I exclaimed making Bakugo's eyes widen. "WAIT...YOUR THAT GIRL I SAVED?!" Bakugo basically yelled blushing hard. "Y-yeah...the reason why you don't remember me is because you never asked my name when we met...only Izuku did." I smiled a bit rubbing my arm nervously as Bakugo gawked on how he did not recognize me but no wonder he felt like he's met you before...Bakugo sighed. " Your an idiot...but you my idiot now." He said not looking my way as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder making me a blushing mess, As I snuggled into his touch surprising Bakugo a bit then he growled lowly. "You better not tell anyone about this or your dead..."He threatened as he laid his head on mine as me and Bakugo cuddle...meanwhile Mina is behind a corner taking photos because that's her new Otp.

((Thanks for reading my story's! I'm slowly getting them down as well for school so thanks a lot bai-))

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