Runnning away

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" You were a mistake Mina! " my mama yelled as she smacked my face
" your the worst daughter ever" my daddy called
They both hit me hard
I whimper and I run to my room
My face is covered in blood my head hurts really bad
I packed a bag and put a hat on
" Fine if you don't want me I'll leave" I cried tears filled my eyes and I started to yell and scream
" I'm a mistake.. I'm worthless and I should die" I cry out My legs hurt I was hungry and tired " Mama.." I cried out The sun began to go away I didn't like the dark that's went the monsters come out I began to sob " I'm worthless and I should kill myself " I hissed I walked up the apparent stairs to the roof Jungkook's POV
Me and Namjoon were looking at the stars when we heard cry's of a little girl.. we looked around and saw on the other building a little girl she was standing up on the roof " Namjoon we have to save her" I cried out
" what is she trying to do" Namjoon said
We ran to the other building a quickly ran up the stairs the little girl had blonde hair and blue eyes
She was muttering to herself
" I'm worthless if mama and daddy didn't want me than no one will" she whimpered I ran to her and pulled her into my chest " Sweetheart what are you doing" She looked at me ". can't you see I'm trying to kill myself sir " " woah.." " Why.." " My mama and daddy don't want me they hurt me all the time... mama hurt me she hurt me..."
" Namjoon call hoseok and tell him to bring the van"
" Okay.. Jungkook" moonlight shined down on her her head was bloody " Darling... we will protect you"
" No... you'll hurt me like everyone in the  world"
She cried and cried I just hugged her " I promise sweetheart "
" Pinky promise"
I smiled she gave me her pinky and we wrapped are fingers together
" Pinky promise" I said Soon hoseok was here
" why did you call jungkook" he said " Namjoon what do you think about adopting a little girl"
Hoseok noticed the little girl hiding behind Jungkook he swooped her up
" Sunshine your hurt papa hope will make you not hurt"
The little girl smiled
Hoseok wrapped her head with a bandage
The little girl made hoseok drop her
" Pick me up papa Kookie " she said
" Okay little one" I said
She fell alseep in my arms
" J-hope call Yoongi and tell him to have the rest be in the living room and wait there" Namjoon said
" okay " he did
I took her into the van
Taehyung's POV
" Why did he wake us up" I whined
" Because he said there is something important " Yoongi said
Suddenly jungkook ,J-hope and Namjoon walk in with a little girl
I smile I love children.. " you brought a child" me and Jin and Jimin and Yoongi said
" yeah.. we saved her from killing herself" Jungkook said
" she what.." Jimin said
" we saw a this little girl on the roof she said something about her mother and father hurting her"
I looked at the little girl " She is like me" I said
A long time ago my mother and father left me I still remember how they hurt me
The little girl woke up
" Why am I here" she snapped
" remember we are going to adopt you"
" Oh okay"
Me and Jin smiled she is adorable
" Do we even have time for a kid Joon" Yoongi said
" Yes we do.." he said
" okay.."
" what's your name sweetie " Yoongi asked
" It's mina" she said
" Mina..."
Yoongi picked her up
I smiled
" Who gets to sleep with her tonight"
" I do" me and Jungkook said
Me and Jungkook glared at each other
" she will sleep with me " Yoongi snapped
Mina clapped her hands
" I'm very sleepy papa Min " she said
" hold on before she goes to sleep she needs a bath and dinner"
" Dinner" she said
Jin's POV
I took her out of yoongi's arms and he frowned
"hey give her back"
" well I'm going to decide on what we are having for dinner " I said
Mina was a gorgeous little girl
" whatcha want their princess"
" I want... I don't know... mama never let me chose "
" Do you like Mac and cheese" Yoongi said
Mina smiled and nodded
" we will have Jungkook give her a bath" Namjoon said
" what does she like.." I asked
" I like... I don't know what I like mama never let me do anything I only cleaned and cooked and.."
" Well here you don't have to clean or cook " I said
She smiled
Jimin took mina out of my arms
" Let's watch Tv while  papa Jin makes dinner" he said

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