The Book

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As soon as I reach my room I through open the door only to slam it shut a second later and locking it just in case. I grab the chest from where I had hidden it a few days ago. My heart was pounding out of my chest, this was it. I grabbed the key from my pocket and put it into the lock. My hands were shaking so bad I almost dropped the key. After a second I heard a soft click ego throughout my room. The chest was unlocked. I gently lifted the lid and looked in. There inside was an old leather-bound book, the book was clearly very old from what I could see. I gently removed the book from the chest and put it aside for the time being. The book was bound in old leather with gold letters on the cover. It looked to be a journal of some sort from how thin it was. There was a thin piece of leather rope raped around the journal to keep it shut.

"Here lie's the truth", what does that mean I whisper to myself.

I slowly untie the journal and open it to the first page but its blank, I flip through the journal and the whole thing was empty.

"What the hell is this? Is this some kind of joke, to think I was so excited for a blank journal. What a waste of time." I tosed the journal onto my bed and grabbed the chest. I held it up to see if there was anything else inside or something like that.

On the inside of the lid, there was a small piece of paper. I pulled it out and unfolded it

"Dear reader, it seems you have found my jungle. You and your family are now in grave danger. That jungle holds the secrets of the other realms. You will be hunted for it. For your own good lock, the book backs up and hide it someplace no one will ever find it. It's for your own good.

-C. S.


Well, we finally know what's in the chest. So whats going to happen to Abby. Is she really in danger? I'm going to update more often. Two chapters in one day. *Pats self on the back. *

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