First Battle

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It's been a week since the general sent a team out to find the book. Over the week I and Mera have been training with a bow and arrow and well as a short sword.  It's early morning, and Mera is out on the training grounds running laps when a siren goes off overhead. 

"What the hell is that?" I ask Mera 

"That would be the warning siren, we're under attack." She says looking around for any signs of danger. 

All of a sudden there's an explosion near the gates of the camp. 

"Fera you need to head for cover, Now!" She yells at me. 

"I'm not going to hide, I want to fight".

"No that's not going to happen, you're not yet ready to fight".

" Yes, I know I am. What if I stay close to you and only fight if it's absolutely necessary?"

She thinks for a minute before giving in and agreeing. 

"Fera we need to head back to our tent and gear up".

We take off towards our tent. We reach our tent and start getting ready. We change into gear pants and jackets. I strap on two short swords and some small daggers. I look over and see Mera grabbing butterfly knives and a long sword is strapped to her back. She looks over at me and I nod telling her I'm ready to go. 

We exit our tent to pure chaos. We start running towards the sounds of battle. I'm shocked at what I see when we reach the battlefield, the ground is covered in blood. There's a body scattered across the ground. I think I'm going to be sick. I look around to see Mera is gone. Shit, this isn't good. All of a sudden there's a demon hurtling towards me.  I quickly jump out of the way and thankfully land on my feet. I grab my short sword and sever the head of the demon from its body, black blood sprays me from the stump of its neck. I fun into the battle head-on. I cut down anything in my path that's not human. I've never felt so good in my life, I know this is what I was meant to do. Before long the dust settles around me and the battle is over. Demons and human bodies litter the battlefield as far as the eye can see. I feel sick to my stomach, I've never seen so much blood. I turn and run to the nearest bush and empty my stomach. I feel a hand on my back and someone holding back my hair. I turn my head to the side and see Mera there. I give her a small smile to tell her I'm ok. 

“Come on we need to go and get you to the med tent.”

I give her a questioning look.

“Your arm is cut and your bleeding all over yourself.”

I look down at my arm and say “oh, I never even felt it till now.”

“You may need to get stitches so let's get a move on before you pass out from blood loss.”

Ok, ok I'm coming.” I get off the ground and follow her.  The med tent is filled with chaos. We weave our way through the mass of people trying to find an open bed.  After searching for a few minutes we find that there are no open beds so we find some open chairs and sit and wait. After about 30 mins a doctor comes over and leads me to an open bed. I sit down as she grabs the supplies to stitch my arm up. She quickly numbs my arms and stitches it up before wrapping my arm up. I walk out of the tent as more people are rushed in on gurneys. I go back to mine and Meras tent to change out of my blood soaked clothes. I change into a simple tee and black leggings. I'm laying on my bed when Mera walks in with a letter in her hand. She comes over and sits on the edge of my bed and silently hands me the note. I open it and read it aloud

“ If you ever want to see the soldier you sent after us you better send the witch to Linkon quarry at sun down in three days time. ALONE.”

I look over at Mera in fear and shock. 

“What is the general planning to do?”

“I wish I knew.”

I bury my head in my hands and let out a sigh. What am I going to do? All I can do is hope and pray that they won't hand me over to whoever these people are. 

“Mera what am I going to do?”

“I don't know Fera, I  really don't know. Just know that I'll do whatever I can to help you.”

“Thank you Mera, truly thank you.”

“Try and get some rest the General will want to speak with you in the morning.”

“Ok, i'll see you in the morning” that's the last thing I remember before the world fades to darkness.

A/n: So I decided to rewrite this chapter and change the main characters name as well. Ill try to post more often (key word TRY).

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