Chapter 1

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Maggie POV

The sunlight crept into my bedroom, through my curtains, lighting up my grey room. I look at my alarm clock, to see that it's only 6:15, much earlier then any other day I wake up. Normally, when the world hadn't gone to shit, I'd be sneaking out of somebody's else bedroom, boyfriend or whatever, and would attempt to climb back into my window, so my Dad weren't to find out I had gone to a party. But the world had gone to shit. There was no electricity, no milkman, no news. No nothing. I longed to have other company, but it had been 6 months since we'd seen any other people. Daddy says that soon everything will return to normal, that someone is out there fixing the ill people, the "infected". My little sister, Beth, innocently believes him, in complete in denial about the world. She'd rather believe my Dads white lies than face reality, sometimes I wish I was like that.

I put on a tank top and some jeans, a little bit of mascara, and did my hair half up, half down. My older brother, Shawn, had put up a fence around the farm we live on, to protect us I suppose. One day, whilst doing up the fence, a few walkers snuck up on him, when he got his foot stuck in between a tractor. They bit him. My dad thought he could save Shawn. We all did at first, but then he closed his eyes. And didn't wake up. That was until a few hours later. Beth was so happy, she thought Shawn had come back from the dead, that he was alive. But, Shawn wasn't Shawn anymore. He was - different. My dad put him in the barn then.

We'd lost multiple people, my mum died before dead people were walking, and all our neighbours were long gone. I sat on the balcony, looking out towards the farm, pondering about my family, until I was interrupted by a man holding a child in his arms, blood on his face, Otis hurrying after. He was sobbing, pure panic portrayed on his face.
"Daddy!" I shout.
The man rushes towards me, Daddy leading the boy and father into a vacant room, he tells me to stay outside with Otis.
"What the fuck happened?"
"I..I... I was hunting and I didn't see the boy.... the bullet went through him."
"I'm going to go look for the mother. I'll be back soon."
"No, Otis look your shaking, you're in no shape to travel. I'll go."
"Really? Thanks."
After, Otis telling me the direction they were going, I mounted my horse and began what I hoped was a fast journey.

Glenn's POV
We continue on into the woods, all heavily breathing from the long trip ahead. Well not long but at least a few miles- which is long enough for me. The crestfallen leaves crunch underneath my shoes, the wind whistling ever so silently.
"Geeze Glenn, you're sweating like crazy." Andrea glares at me.
"What? You want a sniff of my armpits?" I move towards Andrea, lifting my arm up.
"Don't even! I swear Glenn!" She laughs.
"I will do it Andre-"
That's when I'm interrupted by the sound of a horse, galloping our way. The horse comes to a halt right in front of us,I'm in utter shock, until I see the woman riding it. She has gorgeous short brown hair, slightly wavy at the ends, and big eyes. God, she must be the most beautiful woman that I've ever set eyes on. Daryl lifts his crossbow, aiming it at her.
"Lori Grimes?" The girl asks, she has the most amazing southern accent.
"That's me." Lori says, looking extremely confused.
"Come with me, Carl's been shot he's at my fathers farm."
Without thinking, Lori gets onto the chestnut horse.
"Take me to him." Lori demands.
"I will, go onto route 69 for 15 minutes and stop when you see a large farm with a White House, I'll be waiting at the gate."
And like that, they both rode off, into the wind.
"What the fuck!" Daryl exclaims " We need to get back to our cars."

After about an hour, we reached our dust riddled cars and drove off, into the distance. Carol was sobbing in the back, devastated that we hadn't found little Sophia. We all prayed that she was alive, but deep down we knew the chances were slim. Then, we approached the large farm. We all rushed out of our cars, as Maggie greeted us.
"Hey. I'm Maggie. My dad said he hopes you guys are okay here."
"Where is he?"
"He's busy now helping Carl."
She has the most perfect skin, smooth, clean (which was surprising because most of us hadn't had a shower in weeks).
Maggie POV
I see the car approaching the gate, with Ricks people all huddled inside, i hurriedly open up the gate, and immediately close it after the cars have gone through. I simply tell them where they're staying and what my dads doing. I see an Asian guy staring at me intensely, fiddling with in his pocket.
"Hi I'm Carol, this is Daryl." She nods towards a scruffy looking bloke with longish hair. "The blonde girl is Andrea, and this is Glenn."
Glenn has a cap on over his short black hair, he's rather skinny, but has noticeable muscles underneath his T-shirt. He's kind of, well, hot. I'd never tell him that though.
"Nice to meet you y'all. My dad says you guys can set camp up here."
"Yeah that's fine with us, I guess." Andrea says. It's not as if she has a choice where she stays. She can't disagree. I begin to walk away when I see them all following me into my house, I guess to see Carl. He's in no shape to actually be seen though. Poor lad.

I sit on a chair on the front of my house, reading a book about good knows what, I don't really pay attention. I'll read anything to get my mind off reality.
I look up from my book to see Glenn, smoothing his hair back, looking into the distance. I decide to carry on reading my book.
"You've got a nice place here you know."
"I know. I used to hate it here though."
"Really? Why?"
"I guess it was because we moved away from my mums old house. Where she lived. And then we moved here, where my dads new wife lived for her entire life."
I can remember hating the farm during my teenage years, angry at my dad for moving on so quickly after my mother died. I realise now that I wasn't fair. But I don't regret everything I did.
"Must have been difficult for you huh?"
I don't need a man who've I've barely just met sympathising me already.
" You know what, I just remembered I have to do something dead important. Such a shame though, I wish we could carry on this therapy talk." I say, awfully calmly. I then walk off, leaving him alone.

*Authors Note
Sorry this is terrible lol 😂 I'm trying to think what you Americans say ( ie language wise) but it's difficult because I'm British, hence the term "lad". Hope you guys enjoyed it 🥰

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