Ch. 1: Lonely boy in a Lonely world

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     Jasper looked at himself in the mirror. He ran his fingers through his faded red hair. He inspected the light brown roots growing out and sighed. He rubbed at the bags under his eyes and went to splash cold water on his face to wake himself up. Loud repeated bangs on the door made him jump, causing him to splash water on himself.
     "Are you done in there yet?? its my first day back at school too you know?" The annoying voice of his brother yelled from the otherside of the wooden bathroom door.
     Jasper let out a frustrated grunt. He grabbed a towel and dryed off his face as he angrily ripped the door open "I can't even have five minutes to myself in here, can I Miles?" he stormed out the bathroom and into his room.
     He began searching through his closet pulling out clothes and littering his floor with unwanted options. Finally, he settled on an old band tee, a jean jacket, and old tattered blue jeans. He tried to fix his messy hair to the best of his ablities and smooth out his clothes with his hands.
     "Miles! Jasp! come on! you're going to be late!" His mother yelled from the kitchen. It was clear she was yelling out of hurried frustration because the thin walls and close courters of the cramped Paris apartment never required yelling in order to be heard clearly.
     "Coming!" Jasper yelled, grabbing his backpack. It was worse for wear with small seam rips at the bottom of the bag and at the top where the straps were. It had lasted him years, so he'd pray it last one more.
     His mother hustled the boys to the car. Miles climbed in front while Jasper took the seat directly behind Miles. The other half of the car was piled high with all sorts of stuff that hadn't been touched in possibly years.
     On their drive to school Jasper's mother began to make light conversation. "Miles, are you ready for your first day of senior year? This is the year you're running for school president, right?"
     "Of course im excited, and yes after last years success of being vice president I dont see why the student body wouldn't re-elect me to be president." he gave a smug smile.
     "What about you honey? Ready for Sophomore year? Are you going to run for student council like your bother?"
     "Ready, maybe. Excited, no. And I'd like to stay as far away from the same school activities as him as possible. It's bad enough I have to live with him."
     "Jasper Adam Dupon. Watch how you speak about your family. It could benefit you to join student council! You could learn something from being a bit more like your brother sometimes." her sentence ended as they pulled up to the front of the highschool. Jasper rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath as he started to get out. Before he could stand his mother grabbed his wrist causing him to turn and meet her eyes. She gave him a look only a mother could give. One that speaks a thousand words without her having to move her lips. Jasper sighed and she released his hand allowing him to get up and close the door. She drove off.
     Miles had already walked in. Though there were plenty of people around him Jasper felt alone. He looked up to the school that stood in front of him. Would this year really be any different?

A/N: Thank you for reading my first chapter! If you're one of my friends that i sent this to, I love you so much and you all inspire me to be creative! All the love to you all!

have a magical day!
k thx bye!

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