Ch. 8: Where's Miles?

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   The sound of the door closing startled Jasper awake. He stretched and rubbed his eyes, getting up and peaking his head out the door of his room. "Miles? Is that you?" he asked in a tired sounding voice.
   "No, its me hun!" The familiar voice of his mother called from the kitchen. "Miles still not home?"
   Jasper walked out of his room to meet his mother in the kitchen "I guess not, I've been napping since I got home but you know me I'm a light sleeper. I would have woken up if he came home."
   His mother frowned and crossed her arms. "I've told that boy countless times to text me when his meetings run over. Oh well, I'll send him a text and he can figure out his own dinner." She pulled out her phone texting Miles. After she sat her phone on the counter and looked up at Jasper. "Now, it's just me and you so what do you want for dinner?"
   Jasper internally groaned dreading the thought of having to eat. "Um.. I dont know. Whatever is fine with me."
   His mother thought for a minute. "Hmm.. How about I just make us some soup for tonight and I think we have the stuff to make a grilled cheese if you'd like."
   Jasper felt relieved, soup wouldn't be many calories so he didn't feel bad eating it. "Yeah, soup sounds great mom. I think I'll pass on the grilled cheese but I'll make you one if you'd like?" Jasper gave his mom a smile.
   "Oh, no hun thats okay. I'll get to making the soup and call you in when its ready okay?" She smiled up at Jasper and crows feet wrinkles frames her emerald colored eyes. She started to put her long light brown hair that was peppered with a few gray hairs back into a poney tail.
   "Thanks mom." Jasper said walking back to his room. "Let me know if you need any help!" He closed the door and let out a sigh of relief.
   "What is it?" Hopps chimed startling Jasper and he almost yelp.
   Jasper let out a small laugh to himself. "Oh, it's just you. You scared me for a second Hopps. It's nothing, don't worry." He said giving Hopps a smile.
   Hopps squented his eyes looking Jasper up and down before shrugging. "If you say so."
   Jasper sat down on his bed and looked at the belt buckle he was wearing. "Hopps? Do you think Ladybug and Chat Noir know you're a Miraculous? I mean I did just find you out in the woods behind the school. Do you even know how long you were out there?" Jasper asked as Hopps flew over and sat on the bed in front of him looking up.
   He sighed "I don't know. I doubt they know of me or they would have come looking before I fell into the wrong hands. Kwamis have no say in who can control our powers. If you have the Miraculous and know the right words you have our power. This is why we have a guardian to make sure Miraculouses are only given to those worthy of possessing them." Hopps explained leaning his head on Jasper's leg.
   Jasper thought for a moment. "Does that mean if they find out I have you I could be considered unworthy of keeping you... and they'll take you away..?" Jasper asked in a sad tone.
   Hopps looked up at him "I don't want to get your hopes up and tell you they'll for sure let you keep me, but I can tell you I've been with many masters over the years, some worthy and other not. If I had to put you in one of those categories I'd say you're a pretty worthy master Jasper." He said trying to hug his leg.
   Jasper smiled picking up Hopps. "You mean that?" Hopps nodded and Jasper brought him to his cheek to give him a hug.
   "Jasper! Dinners ready!" His mother called from the kitchen.
   "Coming!" he yelled back. "Thats my cue." he said setting down Hopps grabbing a teeshirt and placing it over him. "I'll try to bring you something. Try not to get in trouble while Im gone." He said with a chuckle. he got up and went to eat dinner with his mother. After he came back into his room closing the door behind him. He took the teeshirt off of Hopps. "Here," he said placing 3 croutons in front of him "sorry its not much. I didn't want to be to suspicious."
   Hopps looked up excited. "Not enough? This is plenty, thanks Jasper." he smiled wide.
   Jasper chuckled. "It's no problem, really." He said sitting in his desk chair and pulling out his phone. He had a text from Lucio. He smiled to himself as they began to text back and forth. The hours of the night rolled on and Jasper was getting ready to go to bed. He got up from his chair and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before turning in. As he was getting a glass from the cabinet he heard the door quietly open. He turned his head to see Miles trying to be as quiet as possible. "What are you doing coming home so late?"
   Miles jumped and instantly put his finger over his mouth shing his brother. "Shut up, you'll wake mom." He whispered.
   Jasper rolled his eyes "That didn't answer my question. Why are you home so late?" he whispered with an aggressive tone.
   "Who are you? Dad? Mind your own business Jasp." He said taking off his shoes.
   "Don't you ever compare me to him. Got it?" He said glaring at his brother.
   "Keep your mouth shut to Mom about the time I got home and I won't have to." Miles said with a condescending smirk on his face.
   "It's not like I was going to tell Mom anyway. It was just a question Miles, damn." Jasper said rolling his eyes before going back to his room, glass of water in hand. He lied down and sighed plugging in his phone and checking it one last time. There was a text from Lucio that read: "I'm heading to bed. good night! im excited to see you tomorrow! :)" Jasper smiled to himself before reply: "excited to see you too! :3 good night!" Jasper sat his phone down falling asleep with a smile still on his face.
A/N: hope all of you are doing well! I know quarantine has been rough :/ but we'll get through it! Hope you all enjoy this chapter, im feeling more inspired to write so hopefully I can keep it up. Have a good day everyone.
K thx bye!

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