Chapter 11

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Ok, for all my Assassins Creed brothers and sisters out there:  since they didn't to the amazingness of the franchise any justice with the movie, can we all agree they need to do another one starring Chris Hemsworth (the one and only) as Edward Kenway?

Also, this franchise has kinda become my main fandom (other than Zelda, Link will always have a special place in my heart) so imma ask some fun pirate (bc I'm obsessed with them too which explains why I love Eddy so much) and Assassin (plus some other stuff) questions at the end of the chappy!


Can I just start out by saying that I'm the best?  yeah, i know.  anyway, after dear Natasha had a little boost to her ego by, and I quote, "having a very motherly talk with him," it was a few weeks until we learned anything else.  and let me just say that she was not going to win the Learned The Most About Sharkboy Award.  Nope, it was gonna be me.  And, it so was.

I had a feeling about the kid for a while.  I mean, he literally smelled like the ocean!  So, I asked him if he wanted to go to the beach and he said sure.  And that's when it happened.  He and I were rough-housing in the water (nobody else wanted to get in) when we saw a shark.  I, like the logical, highly trained assassin I am, let out the most manly shout possible and swam to shore.  Naturally, I assumed the boy was behind me.  when i got back and turned around, however, he was still out there--with the shark!  I was shouting, Natasha was shouting, Tony was screaming bloody murder, when he gave us the most cheeky grin the little asshole could muster up and then swam after the shark.

Thor burst out laughing when Percy went under.  I, the hero i am, ran to the edge of the shore and watched for any sigh that the boy was not being eaten.  Time was passing, and there was no sigh of Percy.  after four minutes, my mind started think of the worst.  And then, six and a half minutes after he went under, the boy resurfaced PETTING the shark like a dog.  he grinned at us and waved as he paddled closer and gestured to me to come over.  Hesitantly, i went in to my knees.

"Percy!  I thought you died!" I shouted.  He laughed and shook his head.

"Nah, I can just hold my breath a really long time.  Why'd you get out?"

I looked at him like he had grown another head.  "Why'd I get out?  There was a shark!"

he tilted his head and looked at he with those dumb big eyes of his.  Stupid mermaid-boy.  "Who, fluffy?  She's was just coming to say hi!  see?"  Percy made a motion under water and the shark seemed to glide closer.  she brushed against me and bumped Percy's palm.  

"Aww, you wanna  chin scratch?  Who's a good sharky, you are!"  Percy scratched the beast under it's chin and, if sharks could smile, that's what that terrifying display of teeth must've been.  after a few minutes of gushing over what could only be described as the most terrifying creature within a hundred mile radius, he looked at it sternly (kinda like how Nat looks at Stark when he does something stupid) and told it to go play with Tyson, who I could only imagine must be another shark, and it swam away.  He looked back at me grinning.

"Okay, what the hell?  You a shark whisperer or something?"  Percy laughed and rolled his eyes.  The look he gave me made me think for a second that I was the crazy one at the moment, not they guy who just pet a shark like it was a puppy.

"Nah, they just love me.  See, I'm kinda a big deal in the ocean."

"Obviously.  Next time can you summon a dolphin or something less... man-eating?  I would appreciate that."  Percy rolled his eyes and did something of a bow.

"As you wish."

"Right, well seeing as it's getting late and we almost died, i think it's time to go back to the tower, whatcha say?"  Percy nodded and this time when i swam back to shore, the little psycho mermaid with a death wish followed me.  Big deal in the ocean or not, I don't think my heart could take another occasion like that today.  Hell, I don't think it could take another occasion like that in my lifetime.  Just imagine the headlines: Greatest Avenger Hawkeye Has Heart Attack At Beach.

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