Chapter nine

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I slowly opened my eyes to see I was still in the hospital. But I wasn't in a normal room. My arms were strapped to the bed and so were my legs. My mom was here. Along with Jonathan and Hopper. Eleven was laid out on the floor, Max by her side coloring in a coloring book. On the other side was Nancy with her arm around a sleeping Mike while Dustin and Lucas sat on the floor making stupid jokes and talking about God knows what.

Sitting on a chair right next to my bed was my mom. I looked over at her, feeling drowsy. I was drugged! Everything was blurry and everything sounded muffled. I pulled at my arm but couldn't move. I tried my legs but got the same result.

I lifted my head but couldn't move much. I looked at the tan straps and started trying to break free. I couldn't say anything. My jaw was tense and numb. My entire body was numb. I still fought. I could feel bruised appear on my arms. My mom tried to stop me and everyone was now looking over.

Faces full of pity. It made me feel weak. I continued to try and break free. Now Hopper was over here standing beside my mom. Jonathan came over too. Everyone just backed up, confused on what to do. No words could escape my mouth so I just groaned and whined.

The one looking the most worried was Mike. I wonder why! I'm not crazy! They think I am but I'm not! I don't deserve this! I don't! They can't tell me they never thought of what it felt like to be dying or that when your so used to drowning emotionally that real life drowning no longer scared you.

Suddenly I couldn't move anymore. My eyes traveled to El. She was standing now, blood dripping from her nose. I started crying and Mike rushed across the room. "El stop!" He yelled at her. She ignored him and Nancy grabbed him. The doctors rushed in and next thing I knew a fluid was being pumped into my neck and I grew dizzy and fell back asleep.

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