Chapter ten

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This time when I woke I was feeling better. I still felt drugged but not too much that it made me want to puke my organs out or jump off a cliff to even the uneasiness in my stomach. I wasn't strapped to the bed anymore either. I was somewhere else. No longer in the hospital.

I was in a small room in a small bed that felt kinda sorta soft but not really. The rooms walls were painted a pale blue, the floor a polished wood with a white circle rug and a bookshelf covering one wall. Pressed against another was a desk. There was a closet and a bathroom with no door. There was no TV no nothing. The only thing on the wall was a poster of the clash and a smiley face drawing from El and a drawing of a dragon from Max.

On the bed beside me was a teddy bear. There was a tag...

Hope you get better
soon buddy. There's a
spot at the D&D table waiting
for you. And I'm sorry. I want you
to know that I meant everything I said.

I traced my finger over his name. He wrote it in pen and the letters stick out. Unconsciously I grabbed the bear and held it close as I laid back down. There were these mittens on my hand. I guess because I tried picking my stitches. I looked at my arm. The cuts were there, joined by the bruises of me tugging on the straps.

Tears escaped my eyes and I cried my eyes out until there was a knock on my door and a woman wearing a long white dress opened it. "Hello William. Glad to see your awake. It's time for lunch. Come." She said. She was blonde and had a heavy British accent. I got up and noticed what I was wearing.

Yellow pants and a yellow short sleeve shirt. I had these sock-slipper things on. I followed her out and she guided me down some halls and into a big cafeteria thing. I passed by other patients wearing the exact same thing. Just some with different colors. I wonder what the colors meant.

That's when I realized where I was. I've seen pictures about this place. A mental hospital.


I'm pacing. Don't know why I'm pacing, I just am. "Why?" I kept repeating. Eleven sat on the small sofa watching me intently. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asked me in that sweet calm voice of hers. "Yeah yeah whatever." I murmured. Truth is, I wasn't.

Joyce and Hopper had decided that the best thing for Will right now was for him to be hospitalized. I didn't believe it. I didn't think that was true. He was hurt. Not crazy. He didn't deserve to be put in that nut house. Even with the way he reacted in the hospital when he figured out he was drugged and tied up. I feel like everyone would've reacted that way.

Maybe not.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and I stopped pacing. Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe this is for the best. He'll get help and a break from us. From me. I know I hurt him. This is somewhat my fault.......mostly my fault. I let him down. I made him think I lied. But I didn't. I meant every word I said. I did love him. More than El. More than anyone is this entire world. He meant everything to me. He was my entire world. When he was happy I was happy. When he was sad I was sad. When he was angry I was sad.

Right now I'm .........worried. I don't know what he's feeling. He's probably feeling a lot right now. I know I would. To wake up in some nut house must be a lot to take in. I took a quivery breath as El placed her lips on my cheek. "Everything is gonna be okay. Joyce and my dad said so."

I sighed as the tears I've been trying to choke down slid down my cheeks. "They don't know that." I forced out.

I felt her rest her head on my back. "Friends don't lie." Was all she said before we both went back to being silent. Usually I would try and focus on the moment. Focus on just being in Elevens arms. Her warmth. But right now my mind wouldn't leave Will. Was he okay? Was he mad at his mom and Hopper? Was he mad at me?

Eleven seemed to sense I wasn't paying attention to her because she sighed and unwrapped herself from me and went back to the sofa.

"You care about him a lot, don't you?" She asked me. I looked over at her. "Of course. He's my best friend. I care about Dustin, Max and Lucas too. I care about you." I said trying to cover up the fact that I really did care about Will.

She didn't look convinced. "Friends don't lie." She said quietly. I let my eyes meet hers and I saw the serious way she was looking at me. "I'm not lying." I told her,"He's my best friend."

She just decided to drop the subject. I continued to pace and worry about Will.

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