"I wish I never met you"

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Again just a warning this may suck but I'd greatly appreciate any ideas or constructive criticism! I hope you like it <3

Y/n POV:

It was really starting to wear on both of us. Harry I have been together for three years, and in the past month since he's come home from tour, something's changed between us. All we seem to do is disagree and those disagreements quickly turn into heated late night arguments leaving him to sleep on the couch in the living room of our shared flat, while I get the bed.

Late one afternoon I was making dinner after thinking for a long time about our relationship, and I knew I had to do my part to make this work, so I decided to cook his favorite meal and sit down to talk about what was going on while avoiding any arguments.

Suddenly, just as I took the food out of the oven, I heard the door slam and I turned to see Harry running his hands through his disheveled hair, a distressed look on his face. He was breathing heavily and he sat down putting his elbows on the table with his face in his hands.

"Harry?", I asked softly as I walked towards him. He often came home tired or stressed, but this wasn't normal. He was on the verge of a panic attack and when he took his hands away from his face I could see a glistening wetness in his eyes. He stayed quiet, his breath speeding up as he looked anywhere and everywhere but my eyes.

"Harry, what happened?", I asked again when it was obvious he wouldn't reply, keeping my voice low as to not upset him. All of a sudden he slammed his fist on the table making me jolt backwards. "Nothing's working anymore! Everything's going downhill and I can't do anything to stop it!", he yelled as his face turned red with rage. I took a hesitant step forward, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hazza what are you ta-"

He shoved my hand off his shoulder and stood up, cutting me off with his screams. "And you know what the worst part is?! You are the one causing this y/n! When I asked you to be my girlfriend, I thought you were going to be there for me, tell me that I did the right thing and support me through it all, but no! All you do is call me out on s**t and disagree with everything I say. You don't even know how many girls I met on tour who would make me so much happier than you do, who would love me in all the right ways and support me through everything. Now that I think about it, you were like this all along, I was just blinded by how much I loved you. But my eyes are open now y/n! I just wish I had never f**king met you!!"

My heart stopped beating for a second before it shattered. Fora long while I stood frozen in place, numb from shock. Then the realization of what he had just said started to set in, and I felt the burning sensation of tears in my eyes. I hadn't noticed I was holding my breath until I released it and my breathing started speeding up, my heart racing in my chest.

I watched the realization of what he said wash over him, his eyes widening, his posture tensing even more (if that was possible) and his lips slightly opening as if he had something to say. But once again he stayed silent, and we just stood there staring at each other helplessly, his emerald irises burning into my y/e/c ones.

I leaned against the counter behind me, trying to get my breathing under control and willing the tears to stay in my eyes just a little longer. Once my breathing relaxed and my pounding heart began to slow, I took a deep, shuddering breath and, my voice only slightly louder than a whisper, said, "Alright. I can't go back in time to prevent us from meeting each other, but I can leave now and we can just pretend." My voice broke in the middle and I closed my eyes for a second before opening them to look at his face.

The soft look in his eyes had vanished, his lips in a tight line and his fists clenched. He nodded slightly, inhaling sharply. "It's probably for the best," he answered, his voice no louder than mine. I nodded, gulping and turning around to grab my keys and wallet from the counter. "I'll just have Niall pick up my stuff tomorrow," I murmured not able to look him in the eyes.

I forced my self to turn around and look at him one last time, the tears in my eyes threatening to fall at any moment. "Bye Harry," I choked. It felt like such a lame thing to say. I was leaving the man who owned my heart, the man who had been my first in so many things, the man who I knew I could never fully get over, and all I could think to say was two words. 8 frickin letters.

"Goodbye y/n," he said softly, pulling me out of my thoughts. I hadn't expected him to reply, but when he did I knew this was for real, he didn't want me here.

He didn't love me anymore.

I sighed with a small nod, ripping my eyes away from the beautiful man who I had been blessed to call my own, even if for only a short time. Too short.

I turned around, walking towards the door of our—now his—flat. I opened the door stepping out into the hall, struggling against the overwhelming urge to run into his arms. Just as I was about to close the door I hesitated. Where will I go? I don't have anywhere to stay. I had moved to London when Harry asked me to move in with him, but I had left my family and friends back home. I had nowhere to go, but going back into the flat was no longer an option.

With that thought I slammed the door, walking towards the stairs with a new found anger inside of me. He knew I was alone here, yet he basically kicked me out of my home without a second thought. I forced all the memories which were rushing through my mind (our first date, first kiss, first time, first "I love you") out of my head as I walked away from him. Then I heard a sound from the direction I had just come that sent me running to the stairs.

An all too familiar, heart-wrenching scream.


A/N: This imagine ended up being longer than I thought so Im splitting it into multiple parts. I hope you enjoyed part 1! Xx

-Maria <3

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