"I wish I never met you" Part 2

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Here's the second part, and I hope you enjoy!

2 months later

Harry's POV:

I f**ked up.

Big time.

I knew I'd regret it from the moment I said it, but my brain and my mouth don't always agree, as was the case the first time I kissed her. I knew I would end up hurting her in the end— I always do— but she just looked so good in that dress, and I longed to know what she tasted like.

And now, three years later, the inevitable has occurred: she's left broken because of me and I'm alone again. We lasted longer than I expected if I'm being honest. But the funny thing is I don't regret breaking up with her. I miss her, don't get me wrong. I miss her more than she could ever know. I'm just glad she got out before I pulled her in too deep.

I've dated enough girls to know I wasn't made for this relationship thing, but usually it isn't this hard to forget them. I just can't seem to get her out of my head. She's on my mind all the time, even when she shouldn't be. I just want her—need her in my arms again. I don't think I can do this without Y/N much longer.

She was my rock, my strength when I didn't have enough. We didn't need to be talking or doing anything, just being with her gave me a sweet relief from all the stresses of my crazy life. Time with her was the only time I felt truly normal, ordinary, and I craved that. But at the same time she made me feel so loved, like I was the only one she had ever laid eyes on. I hadn't even realized how much I needed her until our relationship started to crumble; when I was with her all I could feel was a tense anxiety, dreading the next inevitable fight. I longed for that sense of security and relief that had become so familiar. Something had changed between us, but I didn't even try to fix it, and I hate myself for that.

The stress, anger, and frustration started building up inside me and I knew it was only a matter of time until I burst. I knew that would be the day she walked away. I was right.

"Come on Harry let's go," Niall shouts from the living room of my flat, startling me out of my daze. I'm in my bedroom, which seems so much larger than it did two months ago. I had been staring at it again; the strip of pictures from our first date. We were at the cinema and she begged me to do the photo booth with her. The silly yet adorable shots of her sticking out her tongue, kissing my cheek, and giggling like a school girl never failed to bring back all the wonderful memories that I so wish I could return to. I revel in those memories, remembering every detail of every little moment of those three years together.

"Coming!" I yell back, turning the photos face down on my desk. The boys and I are going out for a few drinks, which I very much need at the moment. It seems I've been drinking a lot more lately.

As soon as we get to the bar, Zayn and I order some drinks, while the other three just get water, saying there will be plenty of drinking later.


A few shots later, I'm starting to feel a lot better. She's almost out of my mind, so close, but not quite, and I know a great way to distract myself.

I'm scanning the room when I see a hot blonde just walking in. I'm up for a little fun tonight; two months has felt like a long time. I start walking towards her with a smirk on my face, knowing that by the end of the night not only will she know my name but she'll be screaming it as I show her a good time. Suddenly I feel cool air from outside come through the door as it opens, and I look up.

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