"I wish I never met you" Part 3

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Here's the third part! Enjoy xx


"Harry?" I whispered.

"Y/N" he replied, his voice low and hoarse. He began kissing down my neck before turning me around to smash his lips into mine. I could hear his heart pounding equally as loud as mine, and I melted into his touch before realizing what was happening. I quickly pulled away trying to catch my breath.

I looked up at him. His eyes were desperately searching for mine, strands of his long hair falling into his face. I tried to look away but I couldn't, shocked by how different he looked. He looked so tired, his eyes red with dark bags underneath them from lack of sleep. Was he having as much trouble moving on as I was?

I inhaled sharply as his lips attached to mine once again before moving to my jaw line. I had missed him so much, missed his touch. But this was different than what I was used to. He was being rough, needy, as if he had been starving for me since the day I left. I managed to lift his chin from my face and he stared at me anxiously.

"Why?" I breathed, unable to say anything else.

He leaned in close to my ear, his hot breath brushing past my cheek. "Why did I kiss you?" he slurred, making me realize how drunk he really was. "Because you're mine."

My breath caught in my throat and I closed my eyes, which were burning from newly formed tears. Once I got my thoughts under control I opened my eyes again, staring into his whispering, "Not anymore."

He looked taken aback and he stumbled backwards into the opposite wall, looking at me with a mixture of confusion and sadness. He slightly regained his bearings and stood up straight. "Alright," he murmured after a long while before stumbling away without looking back.

Watching his faltering step I began to realize he wouldn't make it very far without collapsing, so I started to follow him just in case. I was proven right when he tripped and was about to fall but I wrapped my arms around his waist before he hit the ground. I felt his weight relax into me and I had to drag him to a chair. "I'll be right back."

I left him there as I found Ellie and told her I needed to use her car. She was starting to get tipsy and said, "Here are the keys. And don't worry about picking me up; I'm sure I'll find a ride if you know what I mean." She winked at me and laughed loudly. "Don't have to much fun," I chuckled before walking back to Harry.

He was right where I left him and he smiled when he saw me. I helped him up and supported more than half of his weight as we left the bar and walked to the car. I helped him get in the passenger seat despite his slurred protests of, "I can do it myself." The ride back home was quiet as he had fallen asleep, and I couldn't help but notice how peaceful he looked. I wondered how long it had been since he had a full night's sleep.

When we got to the apartment I woke him up and once again supported him as we walked to my room. I brought him to the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom knowing that he would probably end up throwing up and I'd rather not have a puke stain on my carpet. "Stay here I'll get you some tea." He nodded slightly from where he sat on the tile floor, and I hurried to the kitchen to brew the tea.

When I came back he was leaning over the toilet wretching into the bowl. I quickly set the tea on the counter and pulled his hair back. Once he had nothing left to throw up I grabbed a glass from the cabinet filling it with water and offering it to him. He drank it gladly and sat back down in his original position.

I sighed as I tried to decide what to do next. He definitely needed a shower, but I wasn't sure how that would go. "Do you think you can shower without slipping?" I asked. He nodded and looked at me intently. "Alright you do that then," I replied and just as I turned around to leave he spoke.

"Y/N? Can you help me?"

I turned around to see what he meant and I watched as his shaky hands unsuccessfully tried to unbutton his shirt. I took a deep breath but nodded, helping him up to sit on the toilet. I slowly began to unbutton his shirt, his eyes watching my every move. Once I reached the bottom button i helped him out of the arm holes. I had to hold in a gasp at what I saw. He was so much thinner than before, his rib bones more prominent than usual, and I felt my eyes begin to water at the sight. Was this my fault?

"Y/N?" He asked pulling me from my thoughts. "Hmm?" I replied.

"Why didn't you kiss me back? Do you not love me anymore?"

The innocent look on his face and the softness of his voice caused my heart to break a little more and a tear escaped the corner of my eye. "That's not it Harry," I sighed, biting my lower lip and looking at the floor.

"Then why?"

I took a shaky breath. "Because you aren't mine anymore."

He looked puzzled, and he bit his lip as he comprehended what I had said.

"But I want to be."

I shook my head and turned around to face the door. "Do you think you can handle the rest?" I asked referring to his clothes. I took the silence that followed as a yes. "I'll be right outside," I told him as I left the bathroom.

I collapsed onto my bed and started sobbing into the pillow, finally allowing myself to break down. Why did he have to be there? Why did he have to come back and break me again? Soon enough I heard the water running, assuring me that he had indeed managed to get his pants off. I sighed and wiped my eyes before deciding to take off my makeup and change for bed.

By the time I was ready the water had been turned off. I got in bed pulling the covers over my head. I was finally starting to relax when I felt the bed dip beside me. I pulled the covers down from my face and turned to look at him. I saw unsureness flash through his eyes before he hesitantly joined me under the covers in only his shirt and boxers. My heart began to pound in my ears as I stared at him intently, unsure of what to do. He suddenly spoke, his voice no louder than a whisper.

"Keep me warm."

So I did.


A/N: Hey guys! So I kinda like this part but I'm not sure if I should do a part 4. What do you guys think? Just let me know and remember requests are open!


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