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"Bitch you sounded AWESOME!" Clara clapped me on the back and I laughed a little.

"Holy shit, I'm gonna die," She added when looking at my solemn expression.

"To hell with that! I'm living! I still have the whole karma sutra to check out!" She shouted, probably too loud and I cringed.

"Keep that to yourself honey," I told her and she gave me an awkward smile with finger guns.

"Gotta go, babe, need to check on Liam, and also... ask your dad if I can go through the ceremony, as well as Jack, I'd like to be at my full potential when I see Pitch," she asked.

"It's too late, if you don't..." I took in a deep breath and sighed, "if you don't die after this, Clara, I'll make sure you go through with the ceremony," I told her and she nodded, her eyes down cast.

"Thanks anyway," she said before joining the electricity current in the lights above me and going to see her boyfriend.

"So, you sounded pretty serious up there, huh," Flynn said coming up from behind me.

"I'm afraid so Flynn, this is war, and he has to die or no one will be safe," I told him and he blew out a worried whistle.

"Don't worry, you can shape-shift your ass out of anything, you'll be fine," Astrid said, patting her friend on the back as the rest of the team joined me.

"So, whats the plan of action?" Merida questioned, holding Elsa's hand.

Side note:

Yes, they were TOGETHER. All it took was me dying and facing near death themselves to realise that they liked each other...a lot!


"It's not up to me, it's my dad's school I-"
"It's called moon academy, and you are Y/N Moon. This school is yours and Pitch has hurt you the most in all of this. You call the shots." My father told me, I was taken aback, as were most of... well... everyone.

"Are you sure you want an immortal 18 year old to call the shots?" I asked and he smiled.

"You're your mothers daughter, a true General, a leader. I'm not more certain on anything else," he assured me and I nodded.

"Okay then, strategy. Right, so... Astrid, Hiccup and Kristoff you're gonna be our main look outs, fly high, out of sight, Hiccup read any of Pitch's follower's minds, when it comes to the battle, we need to know their plan of attack. Astrid, you're gonna need to do some heavy lifting with the other telekinetic's. We need to move barricades and weapons to arm those without powers to protect themselves. Merida, you're in charge of weapons, make sure everyone is armed in one way or another, once you've done that, get to the east side of the castle and protect them. Kristoff, you're head of security, you need to make sure that you notify everyone when they advance.

Elsa, you're going to be protecting the south of the castle whilst Jack is at the north, we need two ice people in different areas to cover our backs. Pitch took a lot of our powerful fire users here along with a handful of other students, converted them to his side, we need you to fight them off and bring them back to us. Do NOT kill them. Maim and wound all convert students, but do NOT kill, we can save them. Anna you're gonna make sure everyone is safe along with Punzie.

Zel, it may not sound as interesting as the rest of the others, but I need you to be the head healer. Tooth, I want your fairies helping the wounded and you to supervise when you can, I want you to be the main protector of the medical ward- take a load of students to help, you'll be helping the wounded as well as protecting them. North, east side, Bunny, West, Sandy, I want you with Elsa, protecting the South side, Jack with me North side. Dad, I want you on the tower, call mum, get as many of her disciples to help us, protect the school with your powers as much as possible, we need to hold them off as long as possible.

Moana, Maui, I want you with Bunny, Ariel with them too! Vanellope and Ralph with North, divide yourselves up, team leaders, AKA. Sandy, Bunny, North and myself, get teams and make sure no one below the age of 16 fights unless you're Vanellope, she's a glitch- an asset. Talking of you, I want you to psych them out, tease them, I don't actually want you endangering yourself by fighting, although I know you can, but I want you safe. Got it Vanellope? Keep an eye on her Ralph. If you're not a fighter, get yourself in the basement, protect the younger ones, or in the med bay to help out.

This is not the time to play hero, this is a matter of life and death. Do you hear me? Have you heard your orders?" I commanded with the power of a general and the grace of a queen.

Everyone responded with a yes, almost in unison. This is what respect feels like? Power?

"Good, now get to your rooms, get sleep, prepare yourselves, confess your love to your crushes, tell your friends you love them, don't regret the unsaid things if you don't survive tomorrow or they don't. I can't guarantee we all will survive this. We won't. But we can bloody well try and we will win this!" I declared and everyone cheered.

"Now get lost losers," i chuckled and they all scattered, getting ready for the storm that was brewing.

"What about us Chief?" Clara questioned me and I smiled at her boyfriend and her.

"You guys are with us, North side. Liam if you can spread your sprites as lookouts as well as medics that would be great. But as for the both of you, you're on the front line, I thought you were smart, I want my two best friends with me when Pitch dies... or I die." You smiled sadly and Liam nodded with a smirk and Clara sighed before kissing me on the cheek.

"Well babe, see you on the other side," Clara patted me on the shoulder before acknowledging Jack- giving him a hug.

"Clara, you realise they are literally next door to them, they're probably going to have to tell us, well you not to be so loud." Liam told her with a wink and Clara laughed.

"Bold of you to assume Y/N and Jack aren't going to be making more noise than us," Clara smirked at her boyfriend before giving Jack and I a wink. I rolled my eyes, blushing.

"And I thought today would be normal." I sighed turning to my icy boyfriend and wrapping my arms around his neck, my hair going white.

"It's never a normal day with you," Jack smiled before kissing and nipping at my nose.

Giggling, I brought his face to mine and kissed him- hard. We had kissed many times, made out too, but this kiss was charged with raw energy that made heat pool in between my legs and Jack stiffen.

"Shit, we need to get back to our room," I breathed. Jack nodded urgently.

"Yes, yes we really fucking do,"


Word count: 1217

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