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Ugh I'm paired with that stupid Alex whatever her name is girl. With the jeans that fit her so well and the way that she puts her hair up..... David stop you can't fall for a weird!


I feel like shouting from the roof tops. I don't care if he doesn't like me. All I care about is being paired up with him. I hope that we will someday become friends but I don't think that will ever happen in my lifetime. Chemistry is my first class so when I walk in a discover that he is not there. The hope in my eyes goes down. I knew it he's not going to want to be paired with someone like me so he is just going to skip class. He never did show up the whole day. That jerk. at lunch period I tell my friends I'm not feeling well and go to the bathroom. I take my spare blade out of my pocket and make a line on my wrist. Every time a boy rejects me a make a line on my wrist. Now I have 24 lines. I clean up the mess I made and try to make it through the rest if the day without passing out.

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