Chapter 23

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Rachel tucked her hair behind her ears as she walked into Breadsticks to pick up Finn. She was nervous as hell, and didn't know what to expect. She was worried about everything from what would happen between she and Finn down to her outfit and if her appearance was ok. She has decided to wear her hair down in light waves, with a simple outfit consisting of a red halter top and dark denim skirt.

“Hey Rachel! Wow, you look great!” Kurt said once he saw the petite brunette, who he came to love as a sister over the years, come in the doors of Breadsticks.

Rachel smiled.

“Thanks! I wasn’t sure if this outfit was right.” Rachel said her heart beating faster by the minute. Kurt smiled, he could tell that Rachel was putting on a brave front, but he knew better, and he knew that Rachel was dying on the inside.

“Rachel you look beautiful, like always, and I’m sure Finn will think so too. So stop fretting.” Kurt said giving her a wink.

Rachel blushed. “Thanks Kurt.”

“But it’s not like that, I mean, I’m still with Jesse, I’m not trying to impress Finn or anything, I mean…you know, we’re just going out as friends…” Rachel rambled.

“Rachel, it’s me, come on now. I know you’re dying inside, and you’re nervous as hell. Its ok, I understand. I for one am completely baffled as to why you and Finn split up all those years ago. Seeing you two this morning, god I could swear the love never stopped between the two of you. I just hope that you two can figure out whatever it is that changed.”

‘Yeah me too.’ Rachel thought to herself.

“We just did Kurt, things happen, and people move on.”

“Yeah well after what I saw this morning, I’m pretty sure you two didn’t just move on.” He said making quotation signs with his fingers as he said “move on”.

“Should have told that to Finn two and a half years ago.” Rachel mumbled.

“What was that?” Kurt said not quite understanding Rachel's mumble.

“Nothing.” Kurt looked at her skeptically before dismissing it.

“Here come the guys.” Kurt said as Blaine and Finn walked out the backroom. Finn hid his nervousness well, but Kurt knew better. He had overheard Blaine and Finn talking earlier, and Finn had spilled that he had no idea what had gone on, and that he was scared and excited at the same time for what will happen with Rachel.

Rachel looked at Finn and her heart skipped a beat. He looked so handsome in a black button down shirt and blue jeans. It was just like what he wore on their first date, Rachel thought to herself. God that seemed so long ago, but the memory of it all still held a big impact on her.

Finn had trouble breathing as he took in Rachel's appearance. She looked a goddess in her outfit, and her hair flowed so beautifully. He missed being able to grab it and run his hands through it.

“Hey.” Finn said to Rachel when he and Blaine reached them.

Rachel smiled.


Blaine and Kurt both rolled their eyes. Finn and Rachel were never ones to be shy around each other. In fact back in the day they never seemed to ever want to hide their love for each other, many times it had been nauseating.

“Rachel you look great! Doesn’t she look great Finn?” Blaine said hoping to push Finn into thinking not so much like a loaf of bread.

“Yeah, you look great Rachel.” Finn said not taking his eyes off Rachel. Rachel blushed.

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