Chapter 4

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~~Hay, this chapter deals with  violence. You have been warned.~~

“Time to go. Get to the car now.” Ella's father had a bit of a sadder tone, but only she noticed it. They both got up and said their goodbyes. 

“Oh, sonny. Ware is-” but before her grandma could finish her sentence the door shut. When they got into the car there mother was not there. ‘Oh god… no no, she must be at home ya home…’ Ella was nervousness to find the truth. Before she knew what she had done, she spoke up.

“Ware is mom?” Ella covered her mouth and braced for impact. And her brother did the same. But instead of that they were shocked to hear their father replied.

“Safe.” is all he said. Nothing else. She tried to feel relieved, but … Well, technically she knew in the back of her head the truth. They arrived home, to hell. The front looked amazing, but inside and the back was not. In fact, there was a huge frost behind them. This was a big neighborhood kinda, well to Ella it was. But their house was special because of the fact, their backyard had no fencing. Just looked out to open woods. It would cost too much to put a fence in, so they never got one. Ella waited to be the last one to go into hell they call home. She also didn't want her father to see her limping. As she still had it but not as noticeable as before. She entered but stopped dead in her tracks. There was no noise coming from the kitchen or anywhere else for that matter. She frantically looked everywhere but didn't find what she was looking for. Her heart that had a small ember left grow smaller. Her mother was missing. She nor her brother were brave enough to confront there dad about it. To ask where she really was or if she was ok and ‘safe’ like he said. This went on for a week with no sign of her. Ella’s little brother cried himself to sleep every night. Sometimes when their dad heard him he would beat the little boy to make him stop. Ella couldn't even do anything. When she gets back home from school she would hide in her room. Her pitch black room with no light. The darkness could hide anything and she hated the light anyway. It made her feel safe. She was too weak to fight back, too scared to try and fight. But sometimes she would be unlucky. Most of the time it was either Sam listening to Ella being beaten or the other way around. Neither could do anything. On some nights their father would pass out drunk. Those are the nights Ella cuddled Sam and told him they would get out of this. She says stories of how their new life would be. This made Sam feel safe and he promised her he would wait. As she promised him life will get better. This went on for a couple of months. She had to learn everything. How to cook, and if she did it wrong a beating would happen. And if Sam gave a look or a sound to the food she would be beaten and told to do it again. Sam would apologize whenever this happened and tell her he didn't mean it. He was 5 and what can you expect? She became a teacher to him as it was basically her mom who would teach him before. He was homeschooled, and Ella was lucky enough to be able to go to school. She was only able to because of grandmother's will. It paid for her schooling. She slowly started to act less of a bitch to him because of all this. She had to clean her father's room and clean there bathroom. Those were the only places that needed to constantly be cleaned in the house. She even had to take care of their front lawn and things outside the house. To try and get money to shop she would bottle drop her dad's bottles. Every now then she would get candy for Sam if he did well on his school work. She wanted her old life back before she started to be blamed. Before they knew her last name meaning. Ella was the one to find out by her one and only friend in school about her name. She was 4 at the time and things weren't bad yet. When she told her parents the meaning they just shrugged it off. But then things went downhill. They lost their money, their grandpa died, and her parent's relationship went sour. One night she heard them fighting. The only thing out of the argument was her father saying how she got her last name. It was her mother's grandma and stated in her will as a last request. The request being that her great-granddaughter takes back their old family last name. Ella's mother only followed her grandma's last wish. The only other thing she could remember from that night was the sound of someone being hit. That was the first time her father laid a hand on her mother and soon after she would be next. With this relationship, you would wonder how Sam came to be part of the family. Well her father was drunk and her mother asleep before she could stop anything. But Ella thinks her mother wanted it because somehow deep inside her mother still loved her father. It was now only two months left of school and she would be 18 even sooner. She just had to survive, but one day everything changed for her. It was Friday, but it was cold and cloudy. Just the way Ella liked it. Ella woke up and got dressed in her normal attire. That day though she needed to do laundry, so she put on what she could find. Long black leggings, with black stud high heel boots, finally a long sleeved black shirt that looked like the sleeves are too big. Her hair was down covering her face as she wanted. No makeup was put on, as she hated the stuff and only put it on when she needed to. She didn't have too many bruises and scratches that day so it should be fine not to wear her hoodie until it was clean. She went to school and did her usual thing. Sit in the back corner with the shadow and sketch symbols. She was into the old witchcraft and legends like that. In fact, her room was covered in the stuff, but of course, she made her room dark as hell so no one would be able to even see anything. Only she could and it was her eyes. She was so adjusted to the dark and not being in the light, her eyes just got adapted to the dark more than the light. This meant she could see in dark areas unlike normal people, but this also meant her eyes were sensitive to the light. To the point of which, she had to buy sunglasses. This coasted her no food for a while but at least now her eyes would be protected somewhat.

She was that emo bitch who sat far away from everyone and had no friends. That one and only friend she had when she was 4 moved away and they never talked since. She got mad fun off a lot for this, but as she was a bitch and she could state things right back to them. But that day it seemed the whole school was against her. At lunch, she skipped it because she couldn't hide as well without her hoodie. She was outside and walking to a normal tree to sit under and read more on witchcraft. She had just finished a chapter on what they usually ate back then. It seemed the only part of the human they ate was the brain. You may think about blood or, well let me stop you there. Those things aren't actually true. Ella read and believed in the facts, not things like Hocus Pocus. But that plan changed when they all showed up. She was surrounded. And this was unusual. Sure a comment here and there with one spit back out. Sometimes a slap or kick in the gut by one of them. But this was a planned beaten. They all yelled nasty things to her. They yelled things like ‘Bitch, Freak, Witch, etc.’ one even stated that she ruined their life. Ella just yelled back at them, "I didn't do anything to you! Or anyone here!" They stood looking at her, until one of the girls spoke up. "Ya right! You took Brittney! She died yesterday for 'unknown reasons'." She used her fingers as quotation marks on her last words. After that comment, they all agreed that she was attacking them and she was getting what she deserved. Ella guessed they needed someone to blame for their miserable lives. "You think that was because of me!?" Ella yelled with a sarcastic tone. 'Really!? I know people know my last name and all, but a bitches life is what everyone is railed up over?' Ella thought as the students faces turned dark… almost sinister. Ella was about to speak, but they had enough of her talking back, so this time they wouldn't let her. They all globerd her. Punching, scratching, kicking. She was only able to survive the attack because the teachers came and stopped them from killing her. As the teachers walked her to the office one student yelled ‘you will burn in hell you freak!’ and this caused a teacher to start yelling and scolding them all. The teachers just assumed everything on her was from the beating she just got. So that takes care of that then. They told her to wait there while they called her parents, but somehow she managed to have the school not call home. She told them she could still walk. They tried to intervene, but she just got up and walked out the door. So with that, she walked home. 

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