Chapter 6

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~~This story will be a bit shorter then usual. I try to make each chapter at least over 1000 words, but this one only gets to about I've 800. This chapter deals with light smut (not much really and at end). If you hate the uncle then, you like what happens in the next chapter. You have been warned.~~

“This is all your fault that this happened. Isn't it!!” His low voice turned into yell and made Ella jump a little. But before she could get up and run he was on top of her again. This time he put his leg on hers to prevent what happened to him before from happening again. He once again started to choke her determined to finish the job. She was scratching and clawing at him, but this was not going to stop him. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head revealing only white. She slowly stopped moving and there was a snap. All movement stopped and everything was silent except for the heavy breathing of the father. Ella died and laid there with her mother and brother. Her father slowly walked back to the house, leaving his family there to rot in that cabin. 

The moon wasn’t out that night and the clouds are covering the stars. It was pitch black. This was the darkest night there has been in a long time. 

Back at the house, Ella's father was drinking in the dark with one light on. Then he heard the strangest noises coming from the dark corner in the kitchen. He looked and as he looked he saw her. It was… Ella? But much much darker. Her appearance the same but not. Her eyes turned black as night, her mouth was wide with sharpened shark-like teeth, her nails black and pointed as sharp as knives. Her hair covering part of her face. She was wearing the same outfit as before. But it somehow looked like she was soaked in darkness and shadows all around her. A black aura or smoke surrounding her.

“What's the matter, father? Not happy to see me?” she walked to him, but the aura still followed her every move. Before she could reach him, he turned and ran out the back door heading into the woods. He heard his daughter's laughter chasing him. A wicked and unforgiving laugh. He got to the cabin were his family was laid. Ella’s body was missing and he didn't understand.

“No, you are gone! DEAD and this is my imagination playing tricks on me!” He was tripping the fuck out. And he was breathing heavily. Looking around to fund Ella's missing body.

“But I am not in your imagination. Well at least you got the dead part right.” she appeared out of thin air from the darkness.

“No… no…” he started to cry and fell onto his knees. Ella watched in enjoyment. He is crying for what? That he failed to kill all of his family? A wide smile came on Ella's face.

“Don't worry father… you can join us!” she lunged to her father grabbing his neck. He yelled as a burning sensation spread across his neck. Ella removed her hand to reveal a brunt on symbol. Her father started screaming and yelling. Ella laughed and laughed as her father became insane. He started to slam his head into the floor until he couldn't move anymore. Each time he came up more and more blood showed. He finally hit his head to the point of it breaking it open. But Ella was not satisfied with his death. She started stabbing her hands into his chest ripping his heart out. She started to slowly crush it in her hand then ripped her father's brain out and started to eat it. She was so fascinated and knew so much about witches, she became one herself. She enjoyed every flavor and taste it gave her. The blood rushed down her throat and it felt amazing to feel. She then left her father to rot. She looked at her brother and then her mother. She went over to her brother only to remember her mother took his brain already. The taste was irresistible and she wanted more. She then went to her mother. Her brain will do nicely. After she finished her meal she disappeared into the darkness once more like a shadow.

An hour later at Grandma's.

“So when will Sam and Ella come and visit again? It's been months.”

“I don't know. They haven't answered my text or calls. And it's only been a month since we last seen them.”

“Well ok then.” Ella’s uncle walked into his room. “Dam. I wanted to fuck Ella again. Her pussy was so good.” he started thinking about what he did and started to unzip his pants and rubbed his member up an down. 

“Uncle~~~” he stopped and quickly put his member back in his pants, zipping them shut. He looked looked around his room. No one should be in there. There was giggling. He looked at where it was coming from. There in the darkest corner of his room was Ella. She giggled again.

“How… how are you here?” he got up nervously from the bed seeing how she looked. This wasn't the doll he fucked before, but a monster.

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