Since forever

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It snuck up on him.

It happened when they were at their dorm together, and Cas was rambling on about how maybe, just maybe, the protagonist in his literature book just bought dark blue curtains because she wanted to keep the light out of the room, not because she had depression. Dean was leaning back against the table, watching Cas with an amused expression on his face as he gestured.

Dean caught himself staring at Cas, his wildly messy hair sticking up in all directions and looking at Dean with those oh-so-blue eyes. The edges of his lips were twitching upwards as he spoke, words flying rapidly out of his mouth. Dean stared at them, enraptured and only half-listening to his voice. And then it slammed into him with the force of a truck.

I love him.

"I mean, it's California, it's gotta be hot over there, she probably just wanted to keep the light out and-"

Dean surged forward, his body working by itself and his lips pressed against Cas's, and it just felt so right.  His mouth slanted against Cas's, and he pressed harder, Dean's hands gripping his waist.

Too late, he realised that Cas was frozen in place, not reacting. He pulled away with a gasp and stumbled back, refusing to look at his face. Cas probably hated him for what he did, was probably repulsed by him now. He turned around and made for his room, ignoring Cas calling his name behind him.

Cas called his name insistently, grabbing his left shoulder and turning Dean around to face him. Pleasure shot through his spine at the contact, and he tilted his head to look at Cas.

"Dean," he breathed, his voice like gravel, and before he knew it Cas's body was inches from him and his lips were on Dean's. Their mouths fitted perfectly, both of them rocking together. Cas ran his hands through Dean's hair, fingers tugging lightly at his locks. It felt like the entire time they had known each other was leading up to this moment.

Dean finally pulled away, snaking his arms around Cas's waist and staring fondly at his azure blue eyes. After what felt like hours, he worked up the courage to ask.

"How long?"

"Since forever."
Okay, so this is pretty short, and I know I'm doing this before releasing an actual fanfic, but forgive me, I really want to do some short ones that I don't want to make into a multi-chapter fic. So how was this one?

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