I suck at titles (pt. I)

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Cas watches Dean sleep sometimes. He sits on the floor with his back to the wall of whatever motel he's staying in and watches over Dean as he sleeps, gazing absentmindedly at the way his legs sprawl across the entire bed, the way his right hand has a permanent residence under the pillow, where Cas knows it's resting on a pistol.

It's almost a relief at those times for Cas, where there's no pressure to do things. He can sit back and think about nothing but the moment, being Dean's so-called "guardian angel". Where he doesn't have to hide how much he cares about Dean.

Dean himself looks at peace most of the time, but in the hunter life, nightmares are incessant, especially with what he has gone through. But on the rare nights that there aren't any, he looks at rest, content. The atmosphere is tranquil.

As he had done for many nights, Cas slid down to the floor, elbows on his knees and fingers interlocking. He looked at Dean's face, the soft slack of his jaw and eyes gently closed. He stayed like that for a while, his mind drifting aimlessly. 

Then Dean's body started twitching. This was a normal occurrence, so Cas left him alone, but then he started reaching out his hand and mumbling, not loud enough for Cas to hear. He started tossing and turning around in his bed, mumbling louder and moaning something that sounded distinctly like "Cas, no, cmon, hurry,".

He started moving around, almost falling off his bed. His face was creased, his expression extremely pained. Cas got up and went over to the side of Dean's bed, trying to steady him. Cas frantically mumbled a string of enochian, trying to calm down his subconscious and bring it to rest. He curled his hand around Deans wrist, the other hand reaching up to cup his face.

Dean seemed to calm down a little, even leaning into the touch. His eyes fluttered open and he looked around in confusion, before his eyes focused on Cas, emerald eyes staring into sapphire with worry before changing into eventual relief, relaxing and leaning into Cas's palm.

"Cas, I thought you..." Dean trailed off. "I thought you were gone. In purgatory," he managed to say, eventually. His pained expression was back, his eyes looking broken and melancholy.

"I'll never stop watching over you, Dean," Cas's reply was gentle, and it set both of them at ease. They stayed like that for a while until Dean fell asleep again, leaning into Cas's shoulder.

Castiel would never stop watching over Dean.
Sup bitches :) school's finally out for me so expect maybe updates twice a week (no promises though). Also I seriously want your opinion on this one^ I felt like the chapters were really detached and weird but whatever here it is. Have a great day y'all :) also happy Deepavali for those who celebrate yEet it's finally time for some entertaining (but harmless) explosives :)

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