The Fateful meeting

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It's the around July 20 when the new term starts within Japan, (Y/n) has been selected to be apart of the famous cooking school Tōtsuki Cooking Academy. 

It was time to finally start your journey to the top of the food world and to start things off you must conqueror this monstrous mountain. Along the way you will face off difficulties with rivals, friends and a love interest. Though with your burning passion for food, nothing will stand in your way.


The sun was still rising above the horizon as you stretched your legs onto the cold wooden surface. Looking at the clock perched on top of the bedside drawer you saw that it was 5:30am. whilst the room was still hazy and blurry you got up and waltz's around in a room no bigger then half a cargo container, picking up clothing and morning utensils you headed for the bath room.

Brushed teeth, brushed hair and a cheeky smile at the mirror you grasped your fist and punched towards the mirror barely missing it by a few centimeters. Full of energy you were ready to start the day by cooking up breakfast and lunch. The morning light has finally bled through the slightly open curtains, your hands started to move around your without you even realizing what you were doing.

The stove was on and the radio too next to it, a cutting board was set up with a knife shining and sharp. Everything was done without a blink of an eye, it was all because of muscle memory that you did everything so quickly. Picking up the knife you looked at it to see if it had scratches or any form of dullness; finding non, a pile of vegetables and a stack meat was minced, diced and chopped. Added to the roaring pot was all the chopped ingredients to create morning breakfast and food. 

*Half an Hour Later* 

Everything was ready and the rice was freshly cooked. grabbing a wooden plate and a metal spoon you quickly devoured the vibrant and fulfilling breakfast, whilst also saving some for later to eat at school. Once again you looked at the clock and now it was 6:15am, hastily cleaning your dirty plates and cooking utensils you sprinted back into your room to pick up your school books and neatly tuck them into your school bag; it was then strapped around your shoulders and heading back to the kitchen your dried the knife you were using earlier to be placed into a hand held case. 

Out the door now and you felt a sudden flash of warmth on your face as the sun covered you with it's morning ray. The bus stop wasn't all to far from where you were currently living which was a small apartment half an hour away from Tōtsuki Cooking Academy. 

Today was the first day of your high school cooking career you hoped and prayed that nothing wrong happens today. 

Walking towards the bus stop the noise of the morning clutter seemed to slowly fade as you thought more and more of what kind of people you were going to meet or even what type of foods you'll be making together. 

You stopped in the middle of the walking path way and looked up to wish upon the stars above that you'll be able to make other people happy with your cooking. As that was your one and true goal for being a chef, to bring joy to other people through communicating your feelings with food.

The crowd of people started to develop to be larger and larger till you snapped out of your dreaming daze; 

you saw a figure fall over onto the ground in front of you, you reached out your hand to offer them a help up...

"Thank you, I appreciate that now days people can still have common sense to help a fallen goddess"

"Now I wouldn't say that your a goddess but still your beauty could put to shame any goddess known to man... might I ask who this lovey 'goddess' is?" 

"Erina Nakiri, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance"

"(Y/n), no please the pleasure is mine." 

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