Chapter 1- We made it

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Quick a/n!: povs will switch throughout chapters depending on how much it matters

My Shuichi Saihara. The Ultimate Detective, a student of Hope's Peak  Academy, a survivor of the killing game. It's strange, it feels like the killing never ended back in the school, like it would go on forever and never stop. But now that it's actually over, it feels like just yesterday I came tumbling out of a locker. It was hard to grasp at the idea at first, I think it was the same for the other two, that we were alive and everyone else was dead.

I truly doubted myself if we made the right decision, wouldn't it have been better if we died with our friends?

Maki, Himiko, and I, gazed out into the sun, the real sun, standing in the rubble of the school. Feeling someone staring daggers into my soul, I turned my head to see the daggers were coming from the ultimate assassin. Did I do something?-

"I know what you might be thinking, and you're wrong. If you gave up hope now, then everyone we lost would've died for nothing." Maki simply said, did she read my mind? I could find  hints of pain in her voice.

Yeah..yeah she's right! I can't go doubting myself now. But I doubted myself even more now.

"Nyeh...what should we do now?.." The small magician asked, her head turned up at me.

"Good question.." I responded, unsure of what to say to that.

"Don't be stupid, we live our lives now, however we want." Maki seemed to have answered better..

"Obviously..but how do we go about doing that? I don't suppose any of you have money.." Himiko made a point, we can't live on nothing, if we were going to live at all.

I began dozing off, Maki and Himiko's voices faded off in the distance even though they were right next to me, the sun seemed fuzzy and all I could see were my thoughts.

Is it really okay to live? You could've done things differently everyone could've lived is it really okay to live? Why did you survive? Is it really okay to live Is it really okay to live Is it really okay to live Is it really okay to live Is it really okay to live Is it really okay to live Is it really okay to live think about Kae-

I came to my senses when Maki snapped in my face, she was trying to get my attention?


"Y..yeah, Maki?"

"You're crying."

"O-oh." Just like she said, I was crying, when did I start crying? I wiped my tears away, the sun suddenly became blinding again. I was about to hop in their conversation again, when I saw they had tears streaming down their faces' as well..

"We'll all live, Shuichi."

"For Tenko..and Angie."

"For Kaito."

I stared at them, my mouth slightly opened agape, that's right, I wasn't alone in this, there was no need to feel alone in this! Maki, and Himiko, they were right by my side! Feeling the same way I am..

I gave them a smile, nodding.

It felt like forever we were walking until we finally found civilization. Just when we saw the top of a high building, Himiko's face lit up, I could tell she hated walking so far.

When we meet again...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant