Chapter 2- Is this the real life..

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My thoughts about the laptop in front of me were interrupted once again as there was a knock on the door, I assumed it was Himiko and Maki coming back from wherever they left to.

"Come in."

An unfamiliar voice was heard  after the door opened, "room service-"

It wasn't Himiko or Maki, but an older looking girl, probably in her 20's, she was half way in the room with a cart of supplies you'd need in a hotel room. We stared at each other for an awkward amount of time, her face read 'I recognize you'.

"Sorry, I thought you were some one else, I don't need room service." I said, breaking that unnecessary tension between us.

"O-of course! Sorry I didn't say who I was at I know you?" She asked,

"Well..I don't know you." I answered, her face just now dropped the surety she had about knowing me.

"My bad, I was also thinking you were someone else. I'll take my leave now." She kindly said with a smile, exiting the room with the cart. Her occupation and her attitude kind of reminded me of someone, but there was no need to dwell on the past.

The wheels of the cart squeaked as the lady walked down the hall, away from 113, and foot steps followed after it. The squeaks fading as the steps got louder, and louder.

Finally, a familiar voice came after the steps, "We're back!"

Himiko and Maki walked through the door. "Hey, did you guys go for a sight seeing?" I still never knew where they went exactly.,

"Yea, pretty much that's all we could do." Himiko said, walking further in the room, and spotting the laptop, Maki seemed to have seen it as well.

"What's this?" They said in unison, Himiko sitting in the chair.

"A laptop, I found in the desk- a secret compartment."

"That's..strange. Does it work?" Maki asked, walking over to stand behind Himiko.

"Surprisingly, yeah. I wanted to wait before you guys were back to explore it, but there's a required password."

"Did you try 'Password?'" Himiko looked at me, seemingly serious.

"No..?" With my answer Himiko opened up the laptop, seeing the input for the password and trying password for the password.

| P a s s w o r d . .
- - - - - - - - - -
|p a s s w o r d. .
|P a s s W o r d. .
| P A S S W O R D. .

Himiko was disappointed.

"Are we really going to snoop around someone's laptop?" Maki asked, staring daggers at Himiko and I.

"We can't snoop if we can't get in," Himiko responsed, "besides, why would someone just leave a laptop at a crappy hotel if they didn't want it anymore?"

"Why would they hide it?"

"You guys both have a point, but who knows how long this was here for, the owner is probably long gone." I stepped in, Maki didn't want to go looking for any trouble this computer might have, which I understand completely, but there's a chance it can be useful, and I want to take that chance.

Himiko then picked up the magazine I had placed by the laptop upon finding them both, and left the chair for the bed, laying on her back flipping through the pages.

"Was this with the laptop?"

"Yes, I'm not sure why."

While she was occupied with that, Maki took the seat in the chair, inspecting the outside of the laptop.

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