Back in the maze

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Chapter 2
"What did you want to talk about?"
Ashleigh looks nervous. She breathes in then out. "Newt. I ... I like you" newt was shocked. Instantly minho comes to mind. Newt starts talk but is cut off. "I know I've only been here a few days but... Your the nicest guy here and your really sweet. I think every one kinda hates me, especially that minho guy." Ashleigh stands on her tippy toes and kisses newt on the lips. Newt stands there shocked, doesn't know what to do. Suddenly Ashleigh is pushed to the ground. "What the shuck are you doing??!" It was minho. He look very, very angry. For the first time ever newt thought he was crying. "How can you do this to me newt?? I hate you! I never want to see your shuck face again!!" Minho runs off out into the maze. "Minho! Wait I didn't.... Stop the doors will be shutting soon!!!" Minho didnt listen, he didn't stop running. He didn't care if grievers got him. He wanted to get away. Away from newt. Away from y/n. He felt like his heart had been ripped right out of his chest. He didn't care anymore.
"This is all my fault!"
Newt is sitting by the walls of the maze his back arched up against it. His eyes are puffy from crying and the girl feels bad for kissing newt. She walks up to him, "newt...I. I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't know that you and minho had a..." She drops her head to the ground. "I'm going to make up for what I did the only way I know how. Newt, I'm going into the maze to find minho." Newts eyes shoot up to her and stands up. You can see where tears had dried on his face. "You can't go into the buggin maze! You don't know anything about it!" Newts face turned to a face of fear and terror. "No. I'm not letting anyone else in the maze. Not this close to closing time." You could see in the young boys eyes he was serious. "I'm sorry newt." Ashleigh looked at him dead in the eye and started running right for the east doors. "Ash no! Stop!" Newt started running after her, his limp making him slower then what he used to be able to run. Ashleigh entered the maze and had already turned to the right. Newt stopped right in front of the huge doors. A loud rumble came over the glade. The doors were closing. Newt took in a deep breath. He remembered the maze to well. He could here tommy yelling out to him. "Newt! What are you doing? Come on! Frypan has dinner ready." He ran into the maze. Thomas came after him but it was to late. The doors had shut.

"How am I meant to find them? Who do I find first?"
Newt decided to find Ashleigh, minho knew the maze better than anyone and he wouldn't be surprised if the girl was already dead. Newt sprinted going around the corners, his limp holding him back. The wind in his hair reminding him of the old days, before he jumped off the wall. Newt came to sudden stop. Whiiiir click. Whiiiiiir click. He looked around the corner. "A griever. It had to be a griever." Newt got behind the ivy and shuffled along the wall. He heard footsteps. Surly grievers didn't have human feet.... Unless Ash!! What if she was in serious trouble? What if it was minho?? The whiring noise seemed to fade but the footsteps didn't. Newt slowly came out from behind the ivy. He looked around. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Suddenly something jumped on top of newt. He let out a yell for help. He struggled around on to his back to see what jumped on him. It wasn't a pleasant sight. Newt struggled from underneath the griever. Struggling to get out he heard a scream. More of a 'charge!' Yell. A black shadow jumped right over him and on to the griever. It was minho. With his small dagger he was slashing at the griever. Newt got out from underneath the grievers grip. He yelled out to minho "come on, run!" Minho looked at newt seeing he was free. He jumped off and pulled on newts arm. "Follow me" the two boys ran for what seemed like hours. They slowed down at a dead end in the maze. Minho went to look to see if they were still being followed. The coast was clear. Newt sat down at the dead end of the wall huffing and puffing. Minho turned to face him. He wasn't happy. "What the shuck are you doing out here??" Newt went to talk but minho shushed him. "You could of gotten hurt! You nearly died back there with that griever!" Minho's eyes started to tear up. "I don't know what I would do of I lost you!" Newt looked ashamed. "I felt the same, that's why I came in after you. I didn't want to lose you minho." Minho stares into the boys brown eyes and could see pure love. That's when they heard a scream "Ashleigh" they both said.
"What do we do minho?"
"We have to find her. What the shuck is she doing in here anyway?" Newt got up and they started running. "She came in to get you, said she felt bad for..." Minho sighed. "why did you let her do that anyway?" "Minho, I'm sorry I didn't know she was going to kiss me.if I had I would never of let her." newt closed his eyes, a tear rolling down his left cheek. Minho turned around and hugged him, newt not noticing. "I don't blame her. You're the best guy in the whole glade." Newt smiles and kisses minho. They here another scream coming from Ashleigh. "Come on, we should probably help her." "Good that" newt agreed and they were off running again. Newt was only a couple meters behind minho, and newt had tripped over. Minho turned the corner not even noticing newt wasn't behind. Whiiiiiir click. Whiiiiiiir click. Newt looked behind him "shit. Not again." Newt scrambled on to his feet. "Minho! Run!" Newt yelled. He turned the corner minho had but saw that minho had stopped running. "What's wrong minho? We don't have time to waste, we have to go, there's a griever coming and..." Minho pointed to the ground. Newts eyes widened.

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