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Chapter 4
Minho quickly jumped out of the way of the griever claw dogging to the side.

But newt was right behind minho at the time... Minho had gotten out of the way.

He turned to look at the griever.

What he saw.. Will haunt him forever.

The griever grabbed newt. His screams and cries bringing minho back to reality.


Minho grabbed a small dagger from his pocket and ran jumping at the griever slashing here and there and where ever the dagger connects to it's slimy skin.

The griever, not harming minho, seemed as if it was taking it's revenge on newt holding him tighter, crushing his bones. Holding on as if he would die if he let go of the boy.

Newts screams wear worse than anything Minho ever heard.

Even when Newt.. Jumped.

Thomas and Alby saw what was happening and came charging with swords from the storage room.

Joining in the fight was also gally, winston and many other gladers.

Soon the griever was lying dead on the ground.

Newt still in the grievers hand like claw.

Newt lay in it's claw.

Not moving.

Hardly breathing.

Minho ran up to him crying.

"Newt. No no no. Newt. This is all my fault. I shucking slept and now your dead. Newt... I love you please.. Come back."

As if Minho's words actually brought him back, newt spoke.
"Minho... I - I love yo-..."
His eyes slowly shutting, cutting him off from talking.

Minho put his head on newt's chest closing eyes crying, screaming at whoever was in around to hear.

"Minho... I.. Can't....breathe..."

Minho looked up still with his arms on the crushed boy's body.

Realising what he had said he immediately takes his weight off his body.

"Minho, I'm alive. Your alive. Stop crying, please."

Hearing that made him cry more.

"I-I'm not crying I had something in my eye. Oh, who am I kidding. Newt of you died I couldn't live in this shuck world. I need you, I can't lose you."

Thomas and a couple of other gladers; Teresa and chuck had been crying as well.

A couple of the boys had watery eyes.
Everyone just watched silently.

Then alby broke the silence.

"Jeff, clint. Carefully, CAREFULLY take newt to the med jacks hut best treatment you have."

Then he whispered something to the medjacks that no one else heard

"I'm not sure how much longer he'll last. Let Minho come if he has too."


I could hear the distant sound of sobbing.

I tried to open my eyes to see who it was, but it hurt so bad.

What hurt? What happened? Where am I?

I suddenly realise I don't remember anything, the shock of it forcing my body sitting up right. The pain bursting through my body.

I jumped at the sound of someone else in the room.

Another wave of pain washing over my body.

A tan, muscly, Asian boy. He's kind of good looking, but I don't want to say anything at the moment.

I don't know who this guy is or even who I am.

So I just say.

"What's a Newt?"

The boy bursts out laughing, which scared me a bit.

Suddenly the door bursts open and I jump again.

A black muscly boy appears

"minho!! I heard you yelling what's wrong?!"

The boy looks at me and runs over and hugs me.

He's really strong and I can't breath, and it hurts my ribs.

It feels like they have already been crushed.

"Newt, how ya feeling?"

The boy asks letting go of me, a huge smile on his face.

"Um, could you please explain what a newt is?"

The smile suddenly drops from his face.

"Very funny. But this isn't the time for jokes." Says the Asian boy that is apparently called Minho.

They sit there staring at me.

"Well? Will one of you bloody explain what's happening?"

The boy who hugged me sighed, looked as if he were to cry.

The darker skinned boy goes to talk to 'Minho'

"What's wrong with him? He was fine yesterday?"

"What? Is there a problem? I think there's a bloody problem. I'm in a room with two strangers and every time I move I feel like my ribs have been smashed into millions of pieces."

The boys whispered about something else then the Asian boy spoke.

"Newt... I'm minho we've been best friends for about 2 years, stuck in this shuck place. We've had so many memories together here in the glade. Even with the shuck maze and grievers I still try and find a way out for you..."

He let a few tears slip out and roll down his cheek.

I felt sympathy for him.

I felt like I had seen him before. But I haven't.

The boy had been talking to me for hours about the maze and the glade and greenies and all sorts of crap.

I didn't listen to much, except for when he spoke about the runners and maze.

Then we went outside, we sat by a tree near the deadheads? I think that's what he called it.
We sat in silence.

"Minho is it?" I ask "tell me why my ribs feel like they have been smashed"

He sits there explaining how we had been 'dating' a while and how we were stuck in the maze and minho saved me twice.

But then when I tried to save him... It didn't work out and I had been crushed.

He told me I had been unconscious for 5 days and I would talk in my sleep constantly screaming 'NO!! STOP!! MINHO DONT!'

Every now and then he would let a tear or two roll down his cheek.
"I sat there, everyday just watching you. Hoping you would wake up one day. I missed you newt."

I suddenly find myself wrapping my arms around him crying into his shoulder.

"I love you, newt" he whispered in my ear.

I pulled back from the hug.

"What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost. You okay?"

"Minho! I remember!"

I pull him into a tight embrace kissing him passionately.

"I love you minho!"

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