1:Im Not Here To Fight

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3rd Person

Emma has always been called the "Great seer" and with that name comes with responsibly she has to help out the villagers with coming visitors to see if they bad intentions or not if they do have bad intentions they will be either lynched or kicked out. If they do have good intentions they will be accepted like one of their own but, What if something is trying to threaten the whole village making so that the whole village are put under fear of dying so much that they accuse and kill one another? As the "great seer" Emma is forced to check all  of the villagers really not wanting to do this she isn't listening to the villagers but one day....

Emma's POV

"Ughhhh..." Emma groaned  she always thought 'why was she gifted with the power of a Seer? Couldn't she been normal and lived a normal life' "BUT NOOOO~~~~ I HAVE TO BE A FREAKIN' SEER AND HELP THE VILLAGE AND STUFF UGH... Why why me?"  She said out loud She stood up from her chair and walked towards the kitchen to get a glass of water  as she was filling up the glass someone busted through the door a guy who looks like he's been decapitated as the glass falls and the guy falls the fear threatening to swallow her up upon the sight she ran to him "What happened to You JAY!!!"  Emma shouted "Run....." his last words echoe her head as the glass breaks when touching the ground Jay is dead.... Her salty tears drop to the ground from losing her friend which she had history with A loud Howl came from the outside her home this reminded her of something that was much left to be forgotten


"Emma! Let's go play!!" Hearing her friend Jay shout in her ear "Jay what the heck!! MY EAR owieee..." she whispered shouted she wasn't a good talker back then she was over the word shy and she almostly only talks to Jay other than her parents she sighed and nodded silently "Cmon let'sa GOOO!!" he shouted taking her hand and started running  "Were are we g-going?..." she asked silently only him hearing it if there were people here their village was kinda sparse only having 69 inhabitants in this simple but good looking village "To the Vet!!!" He smiled her cheeks flushed lightly 'He looks cute when he's like this' she thought  after arriving they went inside and talked to the veteran (IDK lol or veteran Ian? Pls forgive me) to let them see the dogs the veteran said "sure go inside"  Jay locked her hands with his and started running with her but he tripped and let go "oww..."  he groaned when his knee hit the floor she looked at him worriedly and went by his side and took out a bandage and put it on his injured knee  "thanks Emma your always the one that makes my injuries better" he smiled and kissed her cheek she blushed "n-no problemAhhhhhh!!" she screamed as he again locked her hands with her and started running he smiled at her and said " I promise Emma I'll be the doctor of this village and if you have injuries I'll be always the one to make you feel better"

Flashback Ends~~~~~

3rd  Person

For that flashback ends like her friends life or should I say crush?  Emma heard a voice appeared in her head 'Run....' then she remembered the howl and her friend with blood stained clothes and hands seeing the monster appear before her with red eyes a large body and monstrous claws threatening to kill her if she don't run but the feeling in her chest is saying fight that monster for killing her friend but her mind is screaming run for your life!!!

So what will it be? Your choices affect her faith your the one in control there are 2 ending but there is 1 secret ending if you all do the right things


💢Fight The monster


✔️Run for your life?


"Don't make the wrong choices because with mistakes come forth  demise"

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