4: Dont turn Him In ✔️

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"Wow  No Comments again tsk"

'Choice Has been Made'

' Choice was Not turning Him in'

"  Was this choice really worth it or was it just out of obligation as a [- - - - -] "

" I....... Had no choice....  I guess"

" Interesting"


[-------] Pov

Emma has decided not to turn in Atlas considering he could still be usefull for her to use him as a puppet.

" Thanks Atlas but, I don't need any much help from you"

Emma said to Atlas with a sweet voice Atlas smiled for a second before backing off and said

"Sure sure I like tough girls" with a smile and stepped to the side of her

Emma went closer to Rose's Face and shouted

" How am I able to kill Jake! I'm the Village Seer the being Blessed By God himself to be able to have my abilities must be because God thought I was a righteous and kind person"

Emma said in a taunting tone to alert the villagers Rose noticed this and started panicking a little bit

" Ha-h... Even, so you were blessed by God doesn't mean you can't commit Murders."

" Any proof? Any Evidence? Hmmm None? I thought so ofcourse you would have none. And why do you even accuse me of killing him when like everyone of us could be the same suspect? "

Emma retorted to Rose's Response. Rose clenched her palm and said

" We'll See who's guilty or not when the village chief calls us to the town center"

Rose said then walking off to her friends, while the other villagers discuss on what to do

' Oh my God who killed Jake'

' He was such a nice guy'

' Who cared about him anyways'

'Do you think the Seer killed her?

' Probably not considering she was so close to jake'

'More the reason to suspect her'

Emma heard all of it. All of the words they said. All of the rumors and gossip they would spread. She needed to craft an alibi she can't just tell them a werewolf killed someone and blame it all on Atlas which she decided to save. The best way to go about this is to threaten Atlas she thought.

" Hey Atlas? I wanted to talk to you for a moment do you have time"

Emma asked Atlas who was just standing still beside her

" Hmm I don't know. Do I have time?"

He smirked at Emma with a cheeky grin (?) this irked Emma she whispered in his ear

" Better cooperate or I'll expose you as a werewolf to the village discussion later"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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