lies? (for the best pt. 2) // zabdiel de jesus

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The bed dipped underneath the weight of the boys, their laughs and teasing remarks waking you from your much needed sleep. They both placed their hands on your shoulder and back and began to shake you to make sure you were awake and they only response you gave was a groan.

"Come sleeping beauty it's time for us to get ready to go," Johann whispered in your ear and laughed. You opened one eye to look at him, you could tell he had just woken up because of his messy hair. You sighed and turned your body around to face the other boy that came to wake you up. Yoandri looked down at you with an innocent smile which your adored because you knew he wasn't innocent.

"Fine. But why do you guys even want me to go with you guys?" You ask, trying one last time to get out of it. You were dreading seeing Joel again because you hadn't seen him since the breakup with Zabdiel. None of the boys had actually talked to you since that day, you understood why but it still hurt because they were like your brothers.

"Come Y/N. You can do this," Yoandri encourages. You places one hand underneath your back and slowly pushes you up into a sitting position on the bed. You run a hand through your hair to at least tame your bed head but it didn't work by the amused looks from Johann and Yoandri.

"Okay okay." You surrender. They just laugh and watch as you escape to the bathroom to get ready before they made their way to their room to do the same.

You sat at the table with your best friends, your knee was propped up on the chair and you played with the frayed strands of your ripped jeans. You were just ready for Joel to get here so you guys can quickly say hi to each other and he would be with the boys and you would seek refuge with Emilia.

"Y/N ¿Estás bien?" Johann asks you noticing that you were absent in the conversation. You look up from the jeans to meet the eyes of your friend and you somehow manage to put on a smile and nod.

"Yeah. Look don't let me get in the way of you guys having fun with Joel. He's your best friend and it's his birthday," You tell him. And even though you guys hadn't talked in a month, you still deeply cared for Joel.

"Hola hola," You heard Joel. You turn in your seat to see him walking up to you guys, and his eyes widen in surprise for a moment with the fact that you were there. He thought you wouldn't want to see him after what happened. He went to the boys first and gave them hugs and they wished up a happy birthday before he turned to you.

"Y/N, what a surprise. It's nice to see you," Joel greets you and he outstretched his arms for a hug which you hesitantly take.

"Happy Birthday," You whisper in his ear and smile gently at him.

"By the way, tonight we're going to a club to celebrate. You should come, Zabdiel would like to see you. He misses you," Joel whispers back at you and you freeze in his arms. Did you hear him correctly? You pull away and Joel could see the question you wanted to ask him by the way you looked at him.

"Really. Now let's go look for outfits for tonight," Joel confirms and somehow the 5 of you guys are making your way to all the stores and taking countless pictures together. In the back of your head, you could still hear those words Joel whispered to you. Zabdiel misses you.

The lights danced all over the club, barely illuminating anybody for longer than a couple seconds. You wiped your hands on the front of your jeans like you were wiping away your nervousness. You hadn't seen Zabdiel in a month, since the day he ended things with you, and you weren't sure where things were going to go but you were hopeful after your conversation with Joel.

Somehow through the crowded dance floor you were able to find him. Zabdiel's skin glistened in the light because of his sweaty body and his blonde cropped hair was bouncing with his movements. Your heart stopped cold though, you saw him there with Greicy. He had his crotch pressed to her ass, grinding into her and moving with her body. This was for the best? The best for him and you was to end so he could do this?

Your heart dropped at the sight and your chest constricted. You felt like a fool. Zabdiel and you weren't together so you couldn't be mad because he was with her. But you were mad, mad at yourself for believing you could get him back and mad at him because he lied to you and said this was for the best. You spent so much of the past month regretting the decision, thinking that both of you guys could have figured it out and you both would be happy. But he seemed to be happy without you.

The pain rushed through your body, at this point your heart was in your stomach and you could feel the tears begin to well up in your eyes. It was like you were experiencing the heartbreak all over again but it all seemed worse because you were in a crowded club, before you could deal with your heartbreak in private. You wipe some tears that managed to fall and turn on your heels, you needed to get out, you needed to get home.

"Aye lets go dance!" Johann shouts at you over the loud music, unaware of your heartbreak and pain. You take a shaky breath and try to make sure your voice was stable enough. You didn't want to ruin their night.

"I'm going to get a couple drinks first. But go have fun!" You shout back and you could feel him leave. You move some hair out of your face and whip out your phone, quickly getting an Uber so you could be back in the comfort of your hotel room. You wished you never came back to Miami but here you were, a heart broken mess.

You take a couple of steps over to the bar, leaning against it for support because your body was shaking. Before you left, you definitely needed a strong drink and your ride was a couple of minutes away. You call the bartender and order yourself a few shots of tequila. The alcohol would numb the pain right? Wrong. But you still downed them anyway.

"Y/N?" It was the damn voice. The voice that would whisper sweet nothings in your ear in the middle of the night while he cuddled you, the voice that would comfort you at any times, the voice of the man you loved. You gently set the shot glass on the counter, running your tongue over your lips and refusing to turn around. Why didn't he just stay on the dance floor until you left?

"Y/N," He repeats and you could feel his body towering over yours at this point. You turn around, trying to hide any evidence of your heartbreak but Zabdiel knew you too well. "¿Estás bien?" He asks you but that only gets a scoff back.

"No Zabdiel. But what does it matter to you?" You retort. You were so tired of being heartbroken, you were so tired of being hurt and wishing you were still with this man. You were tired of everything.

"Y/N-" He begins but you don't even give him the chance to finish.

"No Zabdiel. Leave me alone. You lied to me and broke me. For the best my ass," You spit out and you step to the side so you can leave. He's stunned for a moment, taking in your words but then he's back on your heels. He reaches out and grabs your arm, spinning you around so you could face him, so you could face everything.

"What do you mean? This was for the best!" He tells you. You roll your eyes, trying to shake his grip off your arm so you could leave this place and never see him again, but he wasn't going to let you go that easily.

"¡Suéltame!" You shout but it wasn't what he was used to. He could sense the rage in your tone and he knew he fucked up. "Go ahead Zabdiel. Go be with Greicy if that's what you really wanted. But you didn't have to lie,"

And with that you were gone. You were out of his reach and storming out of the club while he stood there confused and hurt. You were out of his life and he was out of yours, now he regrets every decision he ever made, by trying to protect you from the life of fame he ended up hurting you deeper than he could ever imagine.

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