The New Beginning

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It was on Sunday morning, I had to leave for my destination, the city of barene. 900 KMS away from my homeland. I had all the luggage made ready the previous night for the journey.
The journey was to start at 5am in the morning. It was a 12 hours journey by train. Me being an emotional lady, it was difficult for me bidding goodbyes to my family and friends. And above all to the land where I was born and the land where I am really attached to.
Friends, relatives and neighbours all came by to bid adieu . It felt like a dream and that I was being delusional as no one could ever imagine, the little, sweet and charming karin could leave her town.

The clock struck 4.20, I left out for the station with my brother Nick and my parents. I stood behind My brother Nick who was drove the vehicle and my dad was  accompanying Him in the front seat . I sat along with Mum, both of us holding each others hand tightly without speaking a word. As we reached the station, my mother started crying hugging me and few minutes later, I went inside the train. It was so hard for all of us .  with tears dripping down from my I  eyes stood beside the window in the train.

How can a person not find it hard leaving behind all the places which arecwo near and dear to them, the culture's, the tradition.

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