Raph & Leo: Grief

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Raph and Leo would always agree on one thing: _____ didn’t deserve to die.

Hey Leo!”
“Oh, hey _____.”
“-Raph’s in the dojo.”
“Okay, thanks!”
“No problem.”
Exq Leo would never admit how much it hurt that they’d rather be with Raph. He’d never admit that he was in love with them.

Leonardo walked up to Raph’s door and knocked gently. He’d been holed up in there since...since _____ had died.
“Go away, Leo.”
“Raph, at least come eat something.”
“I’ll get some leftover pizza later.”
“Leave me alone, Leo!”
“...Okay, I’ll leave some pizza in the fridge for you.”
Leo turned and walked towards the kitchen, leaving Raph to grieve alone.

Raph was reading a comic book on the couch when _____ walked into the lair. 
“Hey _____, you wanna get some extra training in?”
“No, sorry, Raph. I promised Leo I’d hang out with him today.”
“Tch. Whatever.”
Raph watched as they walked towards Leo’s room with a smile on their face. Turning back to his comic book, he let out a sigh and sank a little deeper into the spot he was in. He’d never let it show how much it bothered him when they hung out with Leo. He’d never let it show when he felt dejected because something came up and they couldn’t come down to the lair on a training day. He’d NEVER tell them he was in love with them. They liked Leo, anyway.

“Raph! I...I’m glad you came out of your room.”
Leo had run into Raph as he was walking towards his room late at night. He took a good look at Raphael, and noticed how his eyes were red like he’d been crying and his mask was darker under his eyes. He chose his next words carefully and whispered them so only Raph could hear.
“I’m here for you Raph. If you want to...talk about it.”
Raph glared at him, but Leo saw how his eyes scrunched up in a desperate effort to not start crying again, and stood his ground. Eventually, Raph broke and fell towards Leo. 
“I just...I miss them so much...a-and I… I didn’t get to tell them...I didn’t get to-”
Raph cut himself off when he broke into tears again. 
“I know, Raph, I know.”
“How are you so calm about this? Why aren’t you breaking into tears or-or locking yourself up in your room-”
“Everybody grieves in different ways, Raph.”
“Donnie works himself to the point of exhaustion. Mikey smiles too much and makes more jokes. I...I cry when you guys are asleep and prioritize your mental health before dealing with my own.”
“...Earlier...you said you were here for me if i wanted to talk about it…you know-you know that vice versa is true, right? That you can come to me when you need someone to talk to about _____?”
Leo was a little ashamed to admit that the idea of him talking to Raph about how he felt about _____'s death had never crossed his mind.
"I...yeah, Raph. I know."


Thanks for reading this and please tell me about any grammar/spelling mistakes in the comments. Thank you and goodnight.

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