Chapter 1

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She pulled her golden hair back and tightened the hair band. People always complimented her hair but she couldn't care less about it. She had more important things to care about. Like how Ethan Aston would stroll his fingers through his hair, making it stand on end. Or how he would chew his pen in math class.

The girl always wondered why she seemed to be the only one that had any interest in this boy. He was everything she'd ever wanted in a guy. Surely she can't be the only one. She always heard the boys calling him gay or making fun of his wire framed glasses. She couldn't say anything though. Or everyone would find out

Melissa Grace Smith had a crush on Ethan Aston for as long as she'd known him. Second day of middle school to be exact. She fell in love with him. His eyes, his hair, his lips. He made her feel all warm inside. He had a special charm to him. Now they were both freshman's and Melissa thought that it was now or never. All she'd have to do was wait until Valentine's Day

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