After the Party

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Rover arrives shortly after the attack, contemplating with everybody on what to do...

"Who wants to start us off?" Zip leans against his desk putting his finger to his temple. "I was minding my own busine'th when I heard z'e back door open. I panicked and hid, I z'ought z-ey were after me. But I don't z'ink z-at was it, they didn't know who I was. Z-ey found me and made me get on my knees when Emmy came." Vera leaves her toy lips out while she's at the base, she only uses them for when she goes out. Nobody has commented on them and that makes her feel a bit better.

Emmy stands there tapping her foot. "I came to check up on you, probably good I did and also good I carry a dart my brother was worried." Vera turns her head the other way to act like she didn't hear it. That would normally be a sign to leave her alone but Emmy pushes forward and gets closer. "I wanted to smack him when he said that but then he told me. He told me what you've been through." Vera turns back to face her. Tears in her eyes but she doesn't break her angry gaze, she's too stubborn to be vulnerable.

"Why are all these crates here anyway?" Steve wonders. "This used to be a small FedEx branch before we remodeled it." Zip explains. "'Sure it wasn't a garbage plant?" Emmy jokes. "But anyway, that's how we keep cover and make some money on the side, we ship stuff every now and then and act like FedEx never left." Zip ignores her.

"Isn't that illegal?" Steve wavers.

"Not if you work as a transit and have them keep stuff here for storage until the next checkpoint. As long as the stuff gets to where it's going then we're golden." Zip assures everyone of his shady yet reliable business. 

"So, what were they after?" Emmy says. "Well z'ey weren't bounty hunters." Vera crosses her arms.

"Maze, what do you think of the situation?" Zip asks. She's been awfully quiet.

"It bothers me that they found a way in here, our home! I mean an average robber, burglar, fine but this?"

"You think I'm not scared? They could've shot my damn computer!"

"We need to go after them." Maze responds valiantly.

"No!" Steve stands up as everyone gazes at him. "Don't go after them. They're dangerous." His protective side is showing, making him red faced. 

"How do you know?" 

Steve turns the other way, realizing how dumb it must sound, it's just a hunch anyway. "Look I caught a glimpse of them before they left and if they are who I think they are, then we might be in some deep sh*t."

"Who are they?" Maze asks. 

"My cousins...our cousins." 

Zip dramatically launches his chair back. "But we could stop them before something bad happens." 

"Yeah and we did the same thing with Wicker and look how that turned out. We're being baited! Just trust me, ok? You don't want to deal with them."

"Alright, then what can you tell us about them?" Zip leans back against his desk. "Their names are Randolf, the older one, and Bert, the younger one, both only a few years older than me. Other than that, no clue, haven't seen them in over 10 years, barely recognized them." Zip's eyes get big. "So, they knew who we were after all?" Steve hesitates because the answer is uncertain. "Maybe but I'm not too sure, at this point, if they did, they would have all kinds of personal information." Zip grunts at Steve's displeasing reply.

"Which means the family is in trouble." Maze adds. "Well what about their personal details?" Zip asks. "Don't remember their address sadly, maybe I can find them on Facebook, but even then, it's been so long that I doubt they even live there now." Zip shrugs. "Worth a try."

"I...may have something to do with that." Vera hesitates. Everyone stares at her. "When Wicker commissioned me, it's true I focused on Maze but once I figured out about Steve, I tried resear'thing it." 

"But you were here." 

"Yeah?" That wouldn't stop her. Everyone looks disappointed. She takes a deep breath. "Any way, they were easy to find. I obviou'thly never got the chance to meet them or anything but I messaged them to try and get infor-mation-" She tries to sound it out slowly so she can be understood. "-and I might have said where I was employed. Think of it as in'thurance in case both zides went s'thour." No wonder Wicker said she talked too much. 

"Vera...Hutchinson. I thought your last name was Bradley."

She deflects the joke. "So, I guess iz time I get take'th by the cops huh?" She spits out. Maze furrows her eyebrows. "They don't actually know...I mean, when they asked about you, all I said is that you were there, for all they know, you were a victim, same as us." Vera's eyes widen with relief, this is a huge weight taken off her shoulders, but she still can't help but feel guilty. "I nee'th to pay." 

Maze shakes her head. "No." And just like that it was settled, Maze gets the final word. Vera glances around the room and sees everybody is okay with it, no objections.

 "So, where have you been?" Zip playfully elbows Rover to lighten the mood. "Off doing stuff, settling down. But I got a new puppy." He says enthusiastically but slightly embarrassed. "Awww." Maze coos. "Yeah, he's a little brown beagle." He passes his phone with pictures for Maze to ooh at.

"What did you name it? Rover? Haha." Emmy leans back on the desk.

"Haha, NO! His name is...well, I don't know yet." He brings his hand up to his chin as if it were a sudden realization but it's really all he's been thinking about. "How about Bruce?" Steve suggests, holding in his laughter. "Good name...Bruce Banner. Bruce Wayne. I'm digging it."

"Hahaha yes!" Steve smirks.

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