part one

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When Shadow woke up he never wished he did.

Shadows parents died do to their jobs, so he went to foster care and he hated it, this was his 21 foster care family.

But this one beat shadow for doing tiny things like smiling hugging his sister then his foster care mom died and he got 2x the beating and his sister went to collage. so it was him and his dad and he had a room that he used as a punishment room. so shadow carefully got outside the went to school

With Amy

It was the morning and it was the first day of school and then she looked at her clock and saw she had half an hour left so as she got up she saw her sister Rosy run in her room and yelled

Rosy: IT'S ALMOST 9:30

Amy ran all around her house got in the shower done her hair got changed to find her sister calmly sitting on the table waiting for her mom to finish breakfast Amy looked at the clock and saw it was 6:48

Amy: you sly little hegie she then ate and went to school

Blaze: Hey Amy never know you came so early

Amy: I know but it's the first day of school so I came more early then usual

Cream: Hello Amy Hello Blaze

Blaze: Hey Cream how are you

Cream: I'm good thanks

Amy: Oh did you hear there's a new kid

Rouge: *pops out of nowhere*
I heard he's hot and sonic and him look Alike

Everyone except Rouge: AHHHHH

Amy: Rouge why did you scare us

Rouge: I don't know but we better hurry I heard the bell *lies*

Everyone runs to school

Amy: *looks around* Rouge the bell didn't even go...

Till Death Do Us ApartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora