Chapter one/Boring Stuff

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Okay. I hate authors notes, so I will get to the point. The cover art is by Soso Doodles and not mine. I do not own the characters, them and the world are all Shannon Messengers.
You do not have to read the first, or any, of the Keeper books. If you do, you will already know the characters and some other things. This is also my first book. And no legacy spoilers are in here too!

POV-Third Person

Sophie had been debating what to say to Fitz. How do you tell this type of stuff to your boyfriend. The word boyfriend bounced off the walls of her mind.

'More like soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend' she thought. That is after she decided the time and what type of communication to use to tell him. It wasn't like what she had done was... bad, per say.

More wrong that anything. But she couldn't just say nothing.

It would affect them being cognates. She knew how much it meant to him to have such a rare bond with her. She couldn't let it break. That is if this information doesn't break the bond to being with.

She sure as hell doesn't want it too. She had to tell him.


If not never.



Today was the day that she was going to come clean. Sophie has no plan what so ever, but she's doing it.

No backing out.

Not face-to-face either, though. She might be strong today, but not that strong. Now, telepathically or with a letter/note. Even doing impareter- Pause in this storytime, I have no clue how to spell it and I'm not about to Google it, so live with it- scared her more than she would like to admit.

Not many people knew about this.

None of her friends know.

Not her bodyguards.

Black swan or even Silveny.

She was afraid the alicorn would try to comfort her or tell Keefe. She doesn't want it to slip untill she's ready to face the truth. Once she says it, she's done for in her relationship with Fitz. But she's going to say it today and get it over with. She doubts she will get any support from many people. But it has to get out.

To her friends.

The Black Swan can wait their turn. They can do whatever they want once she had mustered up enough courage to tell then the news. Fitz will be furious once she tells him. But she'll live. Just barely.
With that final thought, she called out to Fitz.


'Hello?' Sophie called out.

'Hi, Moon' Fitz responded, in his crisp accent and using her pet name.

Her damned pet name. This is going to be harder that she thought. He know what annoys her and how to push the right buttons.

'Fitz...' She got out, before noticing how bad of an idea it was, and cutting contact.
Fitz, being who he was, jumped right back into her mind.
'Sophie? You sound scared. Should I come over? I'll be over in five minutes, I have to put some clothes on-'

'NO!' She practically yelled it into his mind, banishing the image that he had let her imagante.'Just... let me tell you it on here, it's easier.'

'Spill the tea sis.' Oh, how she regrets showing him the new trends and James Charles.

'I made a mistake'

'Go on...'

'I'm sorry, I really do love you, but I couldnt resist it. I kissed Alvar. I'm sorry.'



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