Talk, Talk, Talk

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Dialogue challenge. Tell a story using only dialogue.

Taxi driver: "Where to?"

Customer: "Lexington and 5th."

Taxi driver: "Okay."

Voice one: Ohhh she's pretty.

Voice two: Yes, very pretty. I bet she would taste good too. The beautiful people always taste better.

Voice one: That's not necessarily true. That Mark guy tasted really good and he wasn't very attractive to say the least.

Voice three: Is that all you two think about is food?

Voice two: Ohhh yes Mark was tasty, but I think it was the sauce that made it good.

Voice one: I think you're right it was the sauce.

Voice three: Seriously is food all you two think about.

Voice one: No, I think about dancing.

Voice three: Dancing? What do you know about dancing?

Voice One: I know the mattress mambo.

Voice two: That's not a real dance.

Voice one: Oh I beg to differ.

Voice three: Yeah, I have to agree, the mattress mambo is not a real dance.

Voice one: Whatever.

Voice two: I still say she would taste good.

Voice three: I think she would serve better as a piece of art. A little snip here, a little stitch there with some skins from our collection.

Voice one: But she's already beautiful.

Voice three: Yes that's true, but I could make her a living Picasso.

Voice one: But what about dancing?

Voice two: And dinner?

Voice three: Okay so what if we go dancing first then have fun with some art and afterwards we can have dinner?

Voice one: Ohhh okay.

Voice two:Yes!

Voice three: Then it's agreed.

Customer: "Umm excuse me why did you turn here? This isn't the right way, and why did you lock the door?"

Taxi driver: "It's a shortcut, but not a great neighborhood. Trust me."

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