The avengers

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Fury: the team members are Bruce banner, tony stark, Thor, Clint Barton and Natasha. We need you captain.
Steve: Fine
I leave the headquarters once fury gives me and Natasha the location of the avengers tower. I walk in and I am shocked on how cool this place looks. I then see a man walking " welcome to my many houses" he said " oh I am tony by the way" we shake hands then he sees Natasha " wow you are beautiful " tony says I feel a hint of jealous coursing through my veins. " hi I am Natasha but you can call me nat" nat says. " ok nat I will show you guys to your rooms. " oh umm I think we will only need one room" nat says with a smirk 😏 . " oh you two are together my bad I didn't know,you guys make a cute couple" he said. He shows us to our rooms and closes the doors.
Once tony leaves I unpack my things and put on Steve's shirt. I walk to the kitchen and Steve's jaw drops.

I walk into the kitchen to help nat cook because she can't cook. Once I get there I see nat with her hair down and braless with my white see through shirt and no underwear. My jaw dropped at the sight of Natasha. I quickly grab he waist and kiss her passionately. We end up on the couch with nat on top of me still in our full on make out session I put my hands in her shirt and try to take it off but we hear a knock on the door." Are you fucking kidding me" nat says which I  Think is adorable . She gets up and opens the door and to my surprise it is Bruce.


I open the door and see banner. "Hi" I say he just looks at me and stares Steve notices and stands up to handle the situation. " can I help you" steve says with a harsh tone .banner snaps out of his fantasy " oh sorry it's just that you are extremely beautiful. I look at steve and he is full of anger. " stark would like to invite you guys to a party for the avengers which I heard you guys are in
So am I" he says all confident " ok we will be there when is it" I say " at 9:15" he says I look at the clock and it was 8:12 have me and Steve been making out for that long ?I close the door and get dressed. I look at Steve who is angry.
Steve:why do we have to go we can have fun here
Steve says with a smirk
Nat: nope we can't stay in our room all day know go get showered
Steve: hey nat
Nat: what!?
Steve: wanna join me
Nat smirks at the thought. " sure"
I get in take off my clothes and look at Steve he pins me to a wall and starts to kiss me. We were making out for quiet awhile. I push away and tell him we need to start getting ready. I go to my closet and pick out my dress and shoes I go into the bathroom and get dresses I was in the bathroom for like 2 hours doing my makeup. I get out of the bathroom and see Steve starring at me from head to toe. I grab his hand and we go downstairs to the party.

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