The Girl With Long Hair

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The Girl With Long Hair

She's the girl with long hair, it falls to her waist
It feels soft as silk, and its ends never fray
It shines like a diamond, it's never been dyed
It's never been altered, it's straight all the time

"The girl with long hair", that's what she's known as
Not the girl who is kind, or who makes her friends laugh
Not the girl who is selfless, who helps those in need
Or the one who is lonely, and breaks underneath

She walks all alone, aloof in the halls
Never straying sideways, glued to the walls
All she is is a shadow, a ghost of once was
An invisible player, who nobody wants

"I wish I had your hair!" they stroke its long ends
They say that she's pretty, pretend to be friends
No one sees the things that she wants them to see
Because the "girl with long hair" is all she will be

-the girl with long hair

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