The slime incident

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My skin rn is a slime for Halloween it's great I'm usually a zombie btw

-eiji 3rd person-

Eiji asked end to make an outfit for Halloween they where the best ones here for the job, he would return the favor later. So when he got the message that it was done he got out of bed forgetting that he made a desk bed he fell off pooping his arm, he ran out to the unfinished front of the TB base and waited popping his arm back into place

Time passed and eiji saw end coming with a nice landing "yo! End nice of you to drop in" Eiji walked over "sorry I thought I lost it" end responds digging though there pocket and got out a potion "and I'm instantly worried of what you're gonna do with that" eiji backed up a bit "I asked for an outfit not a potion, also since we-" he was cut off by end "its the costume! I didn't know hoe to pull of for what you asked so I asked shay for some help" end laughed evilly as eiji got more worried "I don't really wanna find out whHHAAAAATTTT ARE ACK" end had chucked the potion at eiji smashing on impact and eiji blacked out to the sound of end's laughter

-time skip lol-

-eiji POV-

I blink my eyes open to a snickering end and a kinda worried lemon "god what kind of acid trip was that" I mumbled felling hungover "end hit you with a potion do you feel.... okay?" Lemon asked hears twitching "I fell fine wha-" I looked at me hand ".... end do you mind explaining why my hands are lime green and melting?" I asked barely hiding my distress how the hell did end and Shay make a potion that dose this?! "It's only temp have fun!" And just like that end has shot out and back to BS and the room filled with silence, that was broken by lemon "want help?" "Yes please"

After eiji was able to walk he got the hang of it only randomly falling into a puddle of goo sometimes, end has been finding the whole thing amazing, eiji is pissed mobs attack him agian

Yay welp that's done time to work on the next one!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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