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(Idk I guess this is what the Cafeteria looks like?)

Author's p.o.v~ (all of them are together in this one and the next)

Ran the quickest to the Cafeteria so the omegas wouldn't notice that he was actually following them and he saved a huge table for his friends and Wonwoo's brothers and Wonwoo~. He already got his lunch and he made sure no one approached the table. Then people see the brother omegas and some alphas behind them glaring at people who are staring at them in the Cafeteria. (you know what fuk it,Imma just call the Cafeteria = cafe.)
Jun waved at Wonwoo to sit down at the table and he waved back shyly ( meanwhile Mingyu was behind Wonwoo and he saw how he sated in front of Jun (all shy) and he smelled the sent on Wonwoo's sweater all he knew the smell (it was jun's sweater),
Jun saw Mingyu glare at him,but he just smirked. Wonwoo didn't see what was going on between the two alphas and he just signaled for his brothers to sit,but when they sat down,Jun was sitting next to Wonwoo and he grabbed Sehun's hand gently first so he sat next to Wonwoo and Minho sat next to Sehun so they could take care of him. Mingyu was jealous that Jun got to sit next to Wonwoo,but it wasn't like he was giving Jun any attention,
he was too busy taking care of his brother. They were all worried for Sehun,he wouldn't eat anything, they all thought he was too skinny (skinnier then Baekhyun),but he wouldn't eat anything so Wonwoo had an idea. He said something to Sehun and he smiled and Wonwoo patted him on the head,Jun looked curious so Wonwoo told him. He left then cane back with a buch of bags because there was a lot of them (the bags were full of food for all of them and somethings healthy for Sehun and his favourite boba drinks. They all looked at Wonwoo confused,until he said look inside the bag,they were all surprised and drooling which made him giggle and Jun and Mingyu smile. He sat down next to Jun and he opened one of the bags full of a bunch of healthy foods and he hid a bag full of sweats for Sehun. Sehun eat the food,he liked it but he pouted because Wonwoo promised him boba. Then he put a bag in front if sehun,he looked like a confused kitten and Wonwoo giggled,"you really thought I forgot about the promise I made,aw your so cute",then Sehun opened the bag and saw his favourite snacks and Bobas. He hugged Wonwoo and said thank you so cutely  which made him smile.
And Jun decided to mess with Mingyu by hugging Wonwoo which made him blush and pissed off Mingyu. Wonwoo's brothers saw this and decided to tease him by saying," oooh
Wonwoo got a boyfriend~",which made him blush even more and hide his face in the sleeves of Jun's sweater. Then they realized that the Sweater Wonwoo was wearing is Jun's because his scent is on it and because Hoshi had Wonwoo's sweater. And after everyone was done with emberrassing Wonwoo, they went to dance class.
To be Dance Class ;)))

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