Part Thirteen

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Dean sighed. He was tired. Tired of explaining everything to Cas. Tired of Sam and Gabriel giving each other the cold shoulder. Tired of living. His only hope was that Billie's suggestion would work. That and the hope Cas wouldn't be mad at him.

When Dean came back in from talking with Billie he saw that Gabriel was sleeping on one side of the couch, Sam was moodily sitting on the other side of the couch watching a blank tv, and Castiel was having a staring contest with the wall.

"Hey, Cas?"

The angel didn't respond. Dean tried again.


The angel turned to him, "Yes, Dean?"

"I have an idea. Could you come here for a minute."

In a flash the angel was in front of him. "What is it?"

Dean couldn't help staring into those gorgeous blue eyes, wondering how they could once hold so much emotion but now looked empty and blank. Hopefully this would change that. Dean reached forward and gripped the Angel's forearm. He shoved his sleeve upwards and before the angel could react he pressed his palm to the same place as where his mark was. There was a burring sensation though Dean barely felt it while Castiel screamed out. Dean squeezed his eyes shut holding back the tears he felt coming. He was hurting Cas for the second time this week. How could he?

I made the whole mark thing a bit simpler just for the sake of the story. Also, the mark isn't exactly connected to Amara in this because of @lilletora's story.

Castiel's scream was cut off only to be replaced with a sob. Arms wrapped themselves around Dean and he opened his eyes to see Cas hugging him, clinging to him. Dean could feel how weak and drained the angel felt as he clasped against Dean.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you. I love you," Cas gasped.

He had his angel back. That was Cas not some asshat in his angel's body.

Dean felt tears streaming down his face. "I love you too. So much."

"What the hell just happened?" Gabriel's voice cut in. Obviously the man had been awoken by his cousin's scream.

Cas pulled back from Dean to turn to his cousin. "Gabe." He rushed to him hugging him.

Gabriel seemed taken aback before he hugged him back, "Cassie?"

"It's me, Gabe, it's me."

"How'd you do it?" Sam asked Dean quietly.

Dean stopped, "do what?" He asked trying to sound innocent.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"He agreed to it when he was human. And, well, I thought I'd give it a shot."

"So he has the Mark now?"


"And you think that a good idea? Giving an angel the Mark? How did you even know it'd work?"

"I got a tip."


"Leave it, Sam."

Sam gave him a bitch face but was silent.

Castiel turned back to the brothers. "So, what're we going to do now? Cause' personally I'd like to kick some angel butt. Preferably not my own."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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