Chapter 48

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"So I don't understand- you came back early because of homework?" My mom asked, crossing her arms and looking at me. I could tell she was suspicious.

"Uh yeah. I forgot about a paper I had to get done. I would've skipped it and went with the bad grade but this paper makes up for my whole grade in the class." She nods.

"Christian wasn't mad?" She asks, tilting her head.

"No. He understood." I gave a nod. I had no idea if she was going to believe me or not.

"Well, you didn't come back much early. He'll be home tonight." I watch as she walks over to my full-length mirror, examining herself.

"Do you think my butts too flat?" I watched as she examined her butt from the side. I roll my eyes at her.

"Mom I seriously don't wanna be here confirming to you that your butt is fine. I have work." I motion down at the textbooks in my lap.

"Fine. I'm going to work. Study hard! Oh, and I won't be back until late. I was given a very important project at work and I'm working so hard on it! I swear you'd be proud if you saw my work. In fact, once I'm done, I'm bringing you a copy of the piece!" She winked and smiled, showing her bright white teeth that also were stained with her red lipstick.

"See you later." I murmur, looking back down at my homework.

"Bye!" With that, she shut my bedroom door and left.

I sighed, sitting back in bed and crossing my arms over my chest.

I couldn't get Christian out of my mind. He was all I thought about. He'd tried calling a number of times but I couldn't pick up the phone. I couldn't because I knew I might forgive him... I can't forgive him!

In fact, I have to forget about him, which I know is impossible but I'm pretending it isn't! I want to forget about our relationship and move on with my life. It's for the best!

Suddenly my phone was ringing again, I picked it up expecting it to be Christian again but thankfully it was just Mellisa.

"Hello?" I answer, looking back down at my homework.

I felt as if I never was going to get it done. I couldn't focus. I thought about Christian, my situation, my mother and of course Elisa...

With the realization that I had no chance of getting anything done tonight, I shut my books and pushed them aside.

"I'm bringing over repercussions! Ice cream! Your favorite movies! Takeout! Candy! I'm spending the night and we're going to forget all about him!" I couldn't help but laugh at my best friend. She was amazing.

I hadn't even told her what happened and she didn't push to figure it out either. I had just texted her that Christian and I weren't a thing anymore and that I had come home early. She hadn't even texted back and I figured she was too busy or something. But nope! Mellisa would never be too busy for me. She's honestly the best.

"Okay." I held back my tears. I felt a bit emotional. I kept overthinking, I kept imagining Christian running back to "Elisa" and getting with her again. I tried shaking my head of the thoughts but honestly the more I tried not thinking about it the more I actually did think about it.

"And are you okay? Ugh, I'm so sorry this happened! I seriously am an idiot! I should've seen the red flags for you but I didn't!" I laughed at her again.

"You seriously cannot be blaming this on yourself right now?" I question, confused.

"No... I'm just your best friend I should've done something. I don't know what! But I should've." She sighed.

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