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Okay so for those that are not in the fandom I just want to give you a fair share of knowledge.

Vicious creatures that are active during the night. They are what you demon slayer are supposed to find and kill. Their main weakness is facing the sunlight and letting them burn, or chopping off their head with a nichirin blade. Demons survive on human blood and flesh, and are capable of slowly wiping out an entire village within 6 months if they are not found and stopped.
There is an elite force of demons named the 12 Kizuki with 12 demons. Each demon is classified as a moon, Lower moon one being the weakest of the strongest, and upper moon 6 being the strongest of the strongest. You can tell if a demon is in the 12 kizuki by watching out for their ranking digits carved into their eyeballs.

Watch out!! Don't underestimate demons outside of the Twelve Kizuki: they can be just as deadly!

Demon slayers
Your jobs as demon slayer are to kill all demons, and show no mercy to any of them. Using your elemental breaths, your sword attacks will be powerful enough to destroy the demons, that is, if you're careful and alert enough.
Hashiras are the top rank of demon slayer, being the elemental pillars of the demon slayer corps. They are the most powerful and elite of the hunters, so naturally they're hard to replace and kill. You can become a hashira by killing 50 demons, or  defeat a 12 kizuki.
Each demon slayer is gifted with a talking crow that sends out missions for you to go on. The crow will disappear once you arrive at the quest destination and reappear once you have completed your battle.

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